Why you should choose the boarding school way

The decision to send your child to a boarding school isn’t an easy one – but it could be the best thing for them.
The boarding school tradition is a long and established one, and conjures many images in the minds of people – as well as many myths. In popular culture, boarding schools are scenes of mischief and adventure, or misery and solitude. But neither of these exaggerated stereotypes come close to representing the whole experience of learning and staying at a boarding school. At Epsom College in Malaysia (ECiM), we pride ourselves on inculcating a nurturing, supportive boarding school environment, one that ensure students are supervised and cared for so that they can reach their optimum potential both in and outside classrooms. If you’re contemplating to send your child to board with us at ECiM, here are three very good reasons to do so.
The highest level of pastoral care
The best boarding schools have a culture of providing the best possible pastoral care, and that’s what we do at ECiM. Our experienced and caring team of boarding staff work in a number of ways to create an engaging environment that is conducive to learning and academic achievement. First of all, they’re always close at hand: The Housemasters/Housemistresses, Assistant Housemasters/Housemistresses and Resident Tutors all live in accommodation attached to the boarding houses. During term time, that means boarders have 24-hour access to pastoral care. Whenever support is needed, it can be provided straight away.
Our boarding staff develop firm but nurturing relationships with boarders in order to understand their background, behaviour, abilities and, most importantly, their potential. It’s a round-the-clock support system that helps students to flourish in every aspect of their academic and social life. And it’s a two-way relationship – the pastoral care is enriched by open channels of communication with the students and, just as crucially, with their parents. Whether through informal conversations at drop-off after the holidays or regular emails and phone conversations, our staff welcome the opportunity to establish warm relationships with parents, to allow us to understand their sons and daughters as individuals better.
Academic achievement is emphasised
Ultimately, your children are here to study and excel, and our priority is helping them to achieve their best in every subject. Each evening, apart from Saturdays, boarders have a set Prep time in which they are to complete their homework and any necessary revision or extra study. This is a structured and formal part of the evening, and expectations of behaviour are made very clear by academic staff on duty. The academic staff member on duty is able to assist in their specific subject areas, as well as give general guidance on time management and organisation. These supervised and managed Prep sessions are one of the key benefits of boarding and are crucial in helping students to develop and improve the independent study skills which will be vital for the progression to university.
Social development inside and outside the classroom
Encouraging students to be confident, independent and well-adjusted individuals is an integral part of the boarding school experience. Here at ECiM, our boarders mix with students of different ages, backgrounds and cultures. This environment equips them with the social and interpersonal skills that are critical for success in both their personal and professional lives. Students are able to aim for leadership roles, engage with schoolmates across different years and extend their schooling experience beyond the confines of classrooms. All of these opportunities combined allow our students to become compassionate, considerate and confident global citizens.
Boarding school is an experience for your child unlike any other, and one that will help shape him or her into a confident, responsible and proactive individual. Boarders get the best of both worlds: intellectual engagement even after the end of the school day, and social interaction with their peers and friends in structured and relaxed environments. If you decide that boarding school is the right fit for your child, we will be there to help them reach their optimum potential.