Welcome to Issue 190, Dear Reader...

We hope that you have enjoyed a productive week. Epsom has continued to be busy with activities ranging from Astronomy Week to fieldwork excursions, sports competitions to themed social events!
The external exams are nearly over and students are beginning to feel excited for the long summer break. As we draw ever closer to the end of the academic year, we continue to encourage our learners to adopt and maintain a Growth Mindset. This is an approach that Mrs Parker, our Second Master and soon to be Dr Parker, has promoted throughout the year in assemblies.
In navigating life, we often find ourselves adopting one of two main mindsets: growth or fixed. Carol Dweck, a renowned psychologist, has extensively studied these mindsets, demonstrating that a growth mindset is essential for success. There is no doubt that one’s mindset can significantly enhance or hinder our intelligence and overall achievement.

Carol Dweck’s research bridges developmental, social, and personality psychology. She delves into how our self-conceptions, or mindsets, influence our behavior and outcomes. Her seminal work, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, reveals how our conscious and unconscious thoughts shape our potential.
Those with a fixed mindset believe their intelligence and talents are static traits. This belief drives them to continually prove themselves, avoiding challenges that might expose their perceived deficiencies. Dweck writes, “Every situation is evaluated: Will I succeed or fail? Will I be accepted or rejected?”
Conversely, individuals with a growth mindset believe their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This mindset fosters a love for learning and resilience essential for great accomplishment.
The growth mindset creates a love of learning rather than a hunger for approval. It encourages individuals to embrace challenges, persevere in the face of setbacks, and see effort as a path to mastery. Those who adopt a growth mindset thrive during challenging times because they view failure not as a reflection of their intelligence, but as an opportunity for growth and for stretching our existing abilities.
Research shows that changing our beliefs about our capabilities can have a profound impact. At Epsom we like to add the small, but extremely important word ‘ yet’ to the end of our ‘we cannot’ sentences - for example - ‘I don’t understand this YET’ or ‘I cannot do this work YET.’ This small shift in language reminds us all that we are on a learning curve, promoting perseverance and resilience.
Developing a growth mindset involves changing how we view effort and failure. Instead of seeing effort as a sign of inadequacy, we should view it as a necessary part of the learning process. Praising effort, strategies, focus, perseverance, and improvement rather than innate intelligence or talent can foster a growth mindset. This type of praise helps our learners at Epsom become more resilient and motivated.
Dweck’s research also reveals that teaching students about the brain’s ability to grow and change through effort can improve their academic performance. When students understand that pushing out of their comfort zone strengthens their brain, they become more engaged and perform better academically.
By fostering a growth mindset, we, as parents and as educators, can cultivate a passion for learning in our children, resilience in the face of setbacks, and a drive to continually improve. This mindset not only enhances our intelligence but also opens the door to greater personal and professional fulfillment.
We hope that you enjoy the articles to come and wish you Happy Reading and a very Happy Friday!
Matthew Brown, Headmaster
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A Message from our Leadership Team - Mr Andrew Thompson
What are the foundations of success?
Earlier this year I ran an assembly based around the theme of organisation, one of our Epsom Learning Characteristics. In this, I used the example of UK ultra-athlete Russ Cook, known as the ‘Hardest Geezer’ to demonstrate the most organised person that I knew.

Russ Cook took on the challenge in April 2023 of running the whole length of Africa, which he successfully completed in April this year. During this time, he covered 10,000 miles in 352 days, an average of over a marathon (26.2 miles) per day and raised over 1 million pounds for charity. He also had to overcome an armed robbery and being abducted in the Democratic Republic of Congo. What made his achievement even more remarkable is that he overcame drug abuse, alcohol addiction and depression when a teenager.
In a more recent assembly, I asked the whole school this question;

The answers are (top right to bottom left clockwise);
- Jack Ma- Wealthiest man in China, owner of Alibaba
- Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson- Ex wrestler and Hollywood actor
- Alphonso Davies- Bayern Munich and Canadian football player
- Serena Williams- greatest female tennis player of all time
But what do they have in common with Russ Cook, the ‘Hardest Geezer’? The answer is that all have achieved incredible success despite significant personal setbacks. For example, did you know;
- Jack Ma was rejected from over 30 jobs before raising money to create his own company.
- Dwayne Johnson saved his mother from attempted suicide aged 15, suffered depression as a teenager, rejected from his high school fooball team and dropped out of university in his first year.
- Alphonso Davies was born in a Ghanaian refugee camp as his parents were fleeing war in Liberia.
- Serena Williams grew up in a notoriously tough area of America, Compton (California) where she was faced with drug use, gun violence and extremely high unemployment rates
So what is it then that enabled all these people to overcome these huge challenges and become incredibly successful? Unfortunately, many of our students at Epsom have an inaccurate view about what the journey to success looks like. Many assume it looks like the diagram on the left, when it is more accurately shown by the diagram on the right.

Success is not easily achieved, the journey can often be long, complicated and sometimes take directions you were not expecting. Our students do not need to look hard to find role models of success at Epsom College in Malaysia. All our students walk past the Grayling Centre in the main building and see photos of Old Epsomians such as the below;

When our students look at these pictures, we see and acknowledge their fantastic academic achievements. What we do not see, however, is the foundations of success that each of these individuals crafted for themselves. This is best expressed as the success iceberg, we only see the results of success and not the work that has been done to achieve this. The below diagrams help to illustrate this;

When we see Zhi Yu Chua’s 5 A* grades, we only see the pinnacle of his success. We don’t see the early mornings, late nights, personal sacrifices and discipline he demonstrated over a number of years to achieve his incredible results. We will see this clearly at the Paris Olympic games this summer, when thousands of talented and hard working athletes will compete. Only the most dedicated and best prepared will triumph.
To further emphasise my message, I invited the students to consider the below information and tell me which famous person was being described;

Answer was of course, me;

I wanted to emphasise to the students that any personal experiences can provide foundations for future success. I demonstrated this through my personal example and how this has driven me to achieve the dizzying heights of working as Head of Key Stage 4 at Epsom College in Malaysia;

In summary, the foundations of success in my view are;
- Success is always rooted in hard work and mindset
- Success is not easy, the road is long and not straight
- Failure gives you stronger foundations
- You don’t see most of the work that makes people successful
As we approach the end of term, I encourage all students at Epsom to reflect on how their own experiences so far have given them the foundations of success.

Mr Andrew Thompson
Head of Key Stage 4
Rosebery House News
From Rosebery, ‘au revoir’ rather than ‘adieu’
When we came back last Tuesday, I warned my two that the ‘lasts’ would now start in earnest: last tea party, last trip to Jaya to cater said tea party, last raucous afternoon in the kitchen with Ms Shanthi Pillay and Ms Carol Peters prepping the sandwiches to 80s tunes and tales of the city. Of course, there have already been many others - last lesson with my once-in-a-lifetime Upper Sixth; last House Assembly, in which we painted with our toes; last reflection on the boarding year with Mr Matthew Brown and Mrs Kate Fowler. It’s a bittersweet episode for my two and me, wishing for time to gallop so that we can, er, gallop in the beautiful countryside we’re lucky enough to call home, but also wanting it to slow, so that we might savour all that we will miss. Misty dawns and bubblegum sunsets. Frangipani. Malaysian makan. Malaysian ‘can can’ and ‘sama-sama’ . Malaysian birds (less so the Godzilla spider in the tennis loos the other morning).
Some lasts are unequivocally delicious. As each Year 11 and Upper Sixth Rosebud counts down to her last public exam, I share their glee for what I hope will be a summer of freedom, adventure, and (self) discovery. And for us all, the promise of Friday 28 June, whether it holds the leavers’ ball, a London-bound flight, or a quiet dip in a now-silent pool or dog-walk on newly-quiet grounds, is irresistible. To have time on our hands in this part of the world is a pleasure that my two and I have tried to make the most of, last week marvelling at the tenacity and ingenuity of the Vietnamese as we fell under the spell of their country’s charm.

It is the people who I will most miss. My daughter’s friends. Those who have been kind to my son. My colleagues, whose authenticity and integrity I admire and attempt to emulate. Above all, the Rosebuds, one of whom you’ll see is even writing alongside me for this ‘so long, farewell, cheerio old chap’ edition.
But, as Teja and I look back, we are able to do so with confidence, because we know that Rosebery will only get better. Before my few days in Saigon and Hoi An, the house had a visitor, Mrs Emily Spivey from the North London Collegiate School on the island of Jeju, South Korea. Rosebery’s new Housemistress, she is also a PE teacher who brings vast experience and expertise (as well as children, an Australian husband, and a love of dogs - she’s going to fit right in.) The Rosebuds and I spent a happy hour with her on the Saturday and then she and I had more time together on the Monday - between us, we are making sure Rosebery has a new foosball table, happy roommates, and girls who feel secure about the change.
For now, though, while I remain at the helm, life in House is, I hope, predictable. There will be peanut butter and Milo. The door will be open for early starts and late finishes. I will need help turning on the telly. But we’re also still doing new stuff. Last Saturday, the boarders and I went to the night market in Mercato; this coming Monday, we’ll play football. On Sunday, my son and I will climb Broga - perhaps we’ll see some of you there? I hear it’s popular.

From one farewell to another, this is where Teja’s voice takes over, writing to share both the stories of someone beginning anew (hopefully in the exact place one wishes to be), and also someone saying goodbye (again, from the exact place one wishes to be waving from). My friends and I have shared a tumultuous journey with Ms Orpwood these past three years, full of ups and downs both within and outside of our safe Rosebery space.
For the current Rosebery Upper Sixth, Ms Orpwood came in when we were wee children finding out our 2022 iGCSEs had been cut in half, thinking that was a good thing, and easing back into being on school grounds. Some of us were day students, and half of us had just been deported from Crawfurd House because of an internal year group reorganisation. Now, most of us are boarders, some of us have drivers’ licences, and more than half of us are school prefects. So to say she has seen us “grow up” is not too far-fetched a statement. Just two weeks ago, we had our graduation gown fittings; courtesy of Xin Ling’s camera and Hitesh’s (honorary Rosebud) phone, here are some of the candid (unofficial!) photos we have from there:

As I write this, the others are occupied by formulas I (mostly) cannot understand, since their minds are good with numbers the way mine is with words. This week, we had Maths Paper 2, and after that, Biology P6, Chemistry P6, Politics P3, Further Mathematics P3… though I must argue the most freakish paper to sit was the 9pm-11:30pm History Paper 2. And if it’s not finding out one of us has late-night paper that has Ms Shanthi clutching her pearls during night lock-up, it definitely is when she sees the random Upper Sixth day girls in school during the holidays cramming Psychology, or everyone up late on a Monday trying to teach someone else standard deviation. Safe to say, there were a reasonable number of sleepy bye-byes, and I’d rather not do much explaining, since it’s best to show you just what I mean when I say the Year 13s have been hard at work:

Nevertheless, the Year 13s have been managing to find moments of rest in between the madness and calamity of public exams, be it during the holidays, weekends, or just on a normal day of study leave when we need to take a step back and stop being so serious. It is a genuine hope both myself and Ms Orpwood share that the Year 13 girls, no matter where they end up after their time in Epsom is over, continue to spark magic in ways unthinkably bright, and not just academically. Joy is a fickle thing, but can become beautifully robust when found in the hearts closest to ours.

A Rosebud’s social life, as you can see, is astoundingly integrated with moments of studying as much as it is connected to life beyond the classroom. From afternoon tea parties to hilarious study breaks, or the intrinsic need to be moving in the middle of a sports game to the raw, unhinged moments of comedic timing, the Year 13 Rosebuds have been spending their last few weeks making the most of familiar life before life itself whisks us away to, hopefully, something better.
So, to the future generations of Rosebuds—especially the incoming Upper Sixth Rosebuds—let your self-discovery start with your friends. Go out to Mercato. Stay up late watching scary films. Study your friends’ smiles as much as you study your animal spirits in Economics, or your formations of rivers in Geography. You will want to remember them, since goodbyes come sooner than you think.
That is all from a Rosebud’s side of the story—and, that is all from these Rosebuds, for the very last time.
Kate Orpwood and Teja Sari
Carr House Updates
“Carr Cares” making a difference in Cambodia
In a previous Friday Flyer, I shared about my experience of going to CIESF school in Cambodia.
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who donated towards our “Carr Cares” project last October when Mrs Garnett was running all her half marathons to raise money for this school. We raised an amount of RM2,115 which we are in the process of sending to CIESF.
I'm planning another trip to Cambodia to visit the school and I have contacted them to find out what their needs are at the moment.
I am doing another collection for the school according to their needs as you can see in the poster below.

The Carr House students will be assisting to provide as many of these supplies as possible for the school but we are reaching out to you too. If you would like to make a donation of any of the required items on the poster above, please email Mrs Garnett on and she will make all the arrangements to receive the donations before I depart for Cambodia.
When all donations have been received and I have purchased all the required items, I will share with you where your donated money has been spent. I will share pictures when I have been to CIESF to hand over all of the donated items.
It has been a pleasure to collaborate with this school and assist in providing essential items for their students.

Thank you for being a part of making someone else’s school day a pleasant one.
Weekend Head of Carr 2023/2024
Computer Science Department Updates
Celebrating Success in Computer Science: A Year of Achievement
As the academic year draws to a close, it's time to reflect on the incredible journey of our Computer Science students. Throughout the year, these budding programmers have showcased remarkable talent, dedication, and creativity in their pursuit of mastering the digital world.
In recent milestone lessons, students embarked on a diverse range of challenges, demonstrating their prowess in problem-solving and innovation. While some students in year 9 delved into solving A level questions, pushing the boundaries of their computational thinking, others embraced the rigors of IGCSE-level tasks, showcasing their aptitude for complex algorithms and data structures.

Through collaboration, experimentation, and sheer determination, our Computer Science classes have exemplified the spirit of innovation and exploration. As we celebrate their successes, we look forward to witnessing the bright futures that lie ahead for these aspiring technologists. Here's to a year of triumphs, learning, and endless possibilities in the world of computer science!
Celebrating Student Success
Summer is nearly here. Are you getting excited? Today, I have some more good news to share with you. Today we can say well done to another group of EAL graduates who have levelled up their English skills and moved to a new chapter of their English studies!
- An
- Mason
- Minami
- Jung
- Michiya
- Maggie
- Hal
- Kaeda
Well done to all of you. Let's not forget that this year more than 50 of our EAL students have moved up too! We will be celebrating all of you in our end of year assembly.
You know what I am going to say: keep reading and if you haven't started yet, start reading.
Mr. Hill
Astronomy Week at Epsom
Astronomy Week at Epsom College in Malaysia
This week, Epsom College Malaysia is abuzz with excitement as we celebrate Astronomy Week. This initiative, driven by our newly appointed Academic Prefects, offers a fantastic opportunity for Epsomians to explore the wonders of the universe and expand our understanding beyond the traditional curriculum, reinforcing the need to develop supercurricular interests.
Societies Presentations and Competitions
Throughout the week, various academic societies will host presentations, each bringing a unique perspective on astronomy and its relevance across different fields. Here’s a glimpse of what to expect:
- Maths Society: Time Dilation – Aging Slower for Dummies
- Humanities Society: Human Existentialism in the Grand Scheme of the Cosmos
- Language Society: The Language of Constellations.
- BSE Society: The Lucrative Business Behind Astrology: The Pseudoscience that Took the World
- Scienz Society: Big Bang Theory
- Media Society: How Do Movies and TV Series Impact Our Perception on Astronomy?
We are also hosting a writing competition designed to encourage our students to think deeply about life’s big questions from a more creative standpoint. This competition is open to both junior (Years 7-9) and senior (Years 10-12) students, with thought-provoking topics like “What is life?”, “What defines our existence?” and “Are we alone in the universe? How can you know?”
Stargazing Social
Undoubtedly, one of the week's highlights is the stargazing social event on Thursday evening. This gathering offers a special opportunity for students to come together under the night sky and marvel at the celestial wonders above. With snacks and drinks available for purchase, it promises to be an enjoyable and educational evening at the Pavilion (weather permitting).
Astronomy Week underscores the importance of looking beyond the classroom and exploring the broader world. Through these activities, Epsomians are not only enhancing their knowledge but also fostering a lifelong curiosity about the universe.
Wishing everyone good luck with their exams, and may take part in the activities planned for this week.
Vincent, Everest, Aiden
KS5 Academic Prefects

Business and Economics Society News
Hello Everyone!
The BSE Society has recently hosted a Tote Bag Design Competition and we would like to congratulate Elsa (Y13) on getting the most votes!
Thank you to everyone who voted or submitted designs and especially to the runners up Yunn Xynn (Y10) and Angela (Y7).
Similarly to last year, we are offering a limited amount of customisable Tote Bags for RM35!
To pre order, kindly fill out this google form:
The deadline for this will be the 28th of June but we are printing a limited quantity so if you want it customised, order quickly!
We are also offering regular tote bags for RM30
To order, kindly fill out this form:
The orders will be distributed the first week back in term 1. Please let us know if you're interested in purchasing a bag but won't be here next term as we may be able to arrange an early transaction.
Best wishes,
Epsom BSE Soc:)
Crawfurd Sports
Crawfurd students have been busy competing for their various sport clubs at the weekends, most recently in Swimming and Triathlon.

I am delighted to share with you that Nurfatiha (Year 9), is an inspiring and dedicated athlete who recently participated at the Port Dickson Triathlon. She came in with an impressive second place. Her time of 24 mins 24 seconds was just 27 seconds behind the lead performer. She also competed in the Powerkids Putrajaya 2024 triathlon on the 8th June, 2024 and she won 4th place in the 12-15 years old category. Congratulations from all of the Epsom students and staff.
The Negeri Seremban State Swimming championships were held on 8th/9th June and 3 Crawfurd girls attended through their club swim programme. Kimora Tan, Claryn Man and Sophie Miller all challenged themselves in the pool to swim races in a variety of strokes. Several Personal Bests (PBs) were achieved and an overall gold in the 4x100m relay.
Preparing for these events demonstrates hours of commitment and personal determination.Remember your hard work is paying off and we wish you all the very best for future success.

Epsom Football
The first Epsom Football Tournament was held on Saturday 8th June.
This marked the launch of a series of termly tournaments that aims to increase the number of competitions and sporting experiences of our students while allowing us to extend and improve the relationships of Epsom College and LALIGA ACADEMY with other schools and academies, both international and national.
On 8th June, we were fortunate to be able to welcome several teams for the U13, U15 and U19 men's categories. The feedback, both internal and external, of the tournament was very positive and we are already working on possible improvements for the following events.
Regarding the women's section, this had to be cancelled due to some teams having to pull out at the last minute, but we are working to ensure that we can host competitions ranging from U12 to U19 categories for both men and women.
The sporting results of the different categories were:
- 1st place for SMK Sungai Rawang.
- 2nd place for Villareal Malaysia Academy CF.
- 3rd place to Epsom College Malaysia.
- 1st place to Villareal Malaysia Academy CF.
- 2nd place to Junior Football Malaysia Academy.
- 3rd place to Epsom College Malaysia A team.
- 1st place to Junior Football Malaysia Academy.
- 2nd place to Epsom College Malaysia B team.
- 3rd place to Epsom College Malaysia A team.

Great Golf
The past few weeks have been busy for ECM Golf Academy as the Junior competition season kicks off in Malaysia.
On 25th May, ECM Golf Academy hosted the first golf high school league, featuring teams from British School of Kuala Lumpur and Kolej Tuanku Jaafar. This was the inaugural trial, and we hope it will develop into a successful league starting next term.
On 26th May, we sent nine students to compete in the Kelab Rahman Putra May Junior Monthly Medal. Tsuyoshi and Yui both won in their respective categories. Amber placed second in hers, and Kaede secured third in his category. A successful outing indeed!

From 28th to 30th May, Tsuyoshi and Kaede travelled to Royal Perak Golf Club for the Junior Championship, competing with the best juniors in the country. Tsuyoshi finished in the top 14 out of 67 in a strong field. It was a great experience for them to play alongside some of the best junior players in the country.

From 31st May to 1st June, the Kedah Amateur Open took place. This tournament is open to all ages, and we sent Tsuyoshi, Nexus, and Kaede to compete with the best amateur players in Malaysia. Unfortunately, they did not make the final round, but it was a valuable experience for their future tournaments.

This week, we sent Tsuyoshi, Nexus, Kaede, James, and Yui to Miri Golf Club, Sarawak to compete in the Miri leg of the Srixon Junior Championship qualifiers. All the best to the team!

Additionally, Adrianna returns from the UK after her success at the US Kids Golf European Championship, where she finished 2nd.

She now heads to the Wilayah Persekutuan Team Trials for Sukma at Glenmarie Golf Club. We wish her all the best and hope she will represent the Federal State in the Malaysian Games.
Best Regards,
Dinie Zaki
Golf Coach
ECM Golf Academy
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U13 Girls & Boys Volleyball Epsom v KTJ
The last fixtures of the Volleyball Season for both U13 and U15 Boys took place on Monday.
The U15 Boys led superbly all year by Gaia travelled to KTJ for a friendly match and our boys quickly found their rhythm and easily won the match 25-14 and 25-17. The U15s have been a strong force all season and have won the KLSL Tournament, finished 4th in the FOBISIA Championships as well as winning friendly matches. Most of our players will move on to the U18s next season and we wish them well.
The next generation of spikers, setters and Liberos in the U13 team had a home fixture against KTJ. Despite a gallant effort, KTJ proved to be too strong and beat Epsom 25-14 and 25-22.
For many of our team, this is the first season they have played Volleyball and there is so much potential in the squad. They have an abundance of enthusiasm and as they move up to the U15s next year they will be able to draw on many positive experiences: Runners-up in the KLSL Div 1 Tournament last week, 3rd place in the ISKL Tournament and 2nd place at our home tournament last month. Both squads have trained hard and their efforts have been rewarded.
Mr Dien Wooler, PR Teacher
So, Dear Reader,
Thank you for reading our Epsom Friday Flyer and we wish you all the very best for a restful weekend.
Happy Friday from us all at Epsom.
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