Welcome to Issue 189 of our Epsom Friday Flyer, Dear Reader

We hope that you have enjoyed a productive week and that you were able to enjoy some precious family time over term break.

At Epsom, as always, there has been a lot going on both in and outside the classroom. As those of you who are regular readers of our Flyer will know, we enjoy reflecting on words of wisdom, notably in our College Assemblies, and recently I was struck by the words of wisdom of Bernard Shaw who remarked: ‘If you teach a man anything he will never learn.’ Shaw is right, Learning is an active process and we learn by doing. Only knowledge that is used sticks in our minds.

Mrs Parker, our Second Master, is an enthusiastic advocate of the Growth Mindset as part of active learning and has explored this concept with our school community during assemblies this year.

It would be easy to imagine ‘active learning’ as involving physical activities in the classroom; however, it’s a method that makes the brain active, not the person. At Epsom, students are encouraged to enter their classrooms not with the attitude that they want to be ‘taught’ but rather that they want to actively learn. They should not view the learning process with themselves as a glass to be filled but rather as a process where they seek to fill themselves with knowledge and understanding by actively engaging with their learning, demonstrating our Epsom Learning Characteristics:

Through embodying these characteristics, students are able to develop attributes and hone skills that will stand them in good stead for their future careers as lifelong learners. While we encourage this mindset in our students, our staff receive professional development to be able to offer a classroom approach that focuses on how the students learn, not just what they learn. This approach ensures that they are actively engaged in learning and encourages more complex thought processes. Enquiry-led tasks and open-ended questions challenge the students and support them to build knowledge and develop and consolidate their own understanding. This assists them to become responsible for their own learning and more motivated to achieve.

One of the biggest benefits of active learning is that it keeps the student engaged. They interact with a topic by working on activities that help reinforce knowledge, concept and skill. Through memorable learning experiences, students move from short-term retention and achieve deeper levels of understanding. They develop skills such as critical thinking, collaborative working and problem solving that are important in school, university and future careers.

The rapidity with which we forget is astonishing - hence the validity of Shaw’s words - we learn by doing and only knowledge that is used sticks in the mind.

We hope that you enjoy the articles to come and wish you Happy (active!) Reading and a very Happy Friday!

Matthew Brown, Headmaster

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A Message from our Leadership Team - Mr Michael Stearman

In August, as the newly appointed Head of Key Stage 3, I had no idea what to expect of the students on my arrival at Epsom College in Malaysia. My first impressions were students who were respectful, studious, albeit extremely quiet. I was used to loud classrooms in Spain and it took some adjustments. As you get to know your classes and they get to know you, you fall into a rhythm, and classes begin coming out of their shell. It is with great pride and joy that I reflect on the progression of Key Stage 3 and some of their remarkable feats and achievements throughout this academic year.

Students have achieved academically in Key Stage 3, but I firmly believe that some of the greatest achievements come outside of the classroom and as educators in a boarding school you see this clearly and more often. I enjoy walking around the different boarding houses, whilst on duty, noting that each one has their own differing atmospheres and seeing students welcome you into their homes. Some of these students began the year with little English and lacked confidence, now all of them feel at home and confident in their environments.

Year 7 is a transitional year, the jump from primary to secondary is a big one and my favourite moment of the year with Year 7 was watching them help Year 6 in their first transition event, their maturity and helpfulness with the Year 6’s was a joy to behold, as were some of their interesting dances during a disco!

Year 8 are very inquisitive and it has been a pleasure to see them d elving deeper into subjects and exploring new areas of interest. It was fantastic to see their passion in the Science fair earlier in the year, in which their passion, and knowledge, shone.

Year 9 are now moving onto pastures new, to the challenges of IGCSE, the school's largest year group has made great progress throughout the year, and I can’t wait to see their learning continue at this challenging level. Their effort and attitude towards the exam period was fantastic, as was their lining up and almost military-style funnelling into the exam hall!

Beyond the classroom, it was great to see some moving and impressive musical performances, some of our budding actors blew the audience away in the fantastic ‘We Will Rock You’ show, and some of our Key Stage 3 students are destined to take the top parts in future shows. Sports at Epsom continue to grow with the amount of futures tripling this year, success has been achieved by all of our Key Stage 3 teams and we can’t wait to see further improvements, medals, and trophies.

In a boarding school, community is vital as is competition. As I reflect on the year as a whole I remember events such as the Year 9 STEM challenge, fantastic Epsom-led cultural events, Holman’s book drive, trips abroad and on the peninsula, great art, and World Challenge events.

Epsom is a school in which students have the opportunity to succeed academically, but also as human beings who can offer their communities something back. I hope that everyone reflects on the year they have had both in and out of the classroom and continues to grab every opportunity offered to them.

Have a great and restful summer break.

Mr Michael Stearman, Head of Key Stage 3

Granville House News

Towards the end of last term, our Year 12 students stepped up and hosted a Bingo evening at Granville for Saturday's Social. It was heartening to witness the enjoyment of Year 11s and Year 10s during this event, providing them with a chance to unwind and find balance amidst their preparations for various external examinations.

Furthermore, I am excited to share our latest Granville mural. This artwork, designed by Marvin in Year 11, who is currently undertaking IGCSE Art, was a collaborative effort involving Pei Hu, Minato, and Rakuta. I must acknowledge the contribution of our matrons, Ms. Linda and Mr. Rabi, who also joined in the activity. Thank you to all involved!

Moreover, this year Mr. Jones introduced the Y13 GOAT (Greatest of All Time) award, which is presented to the Granvillian who has made the most significant impact on the House and their fellow students. Granvillians and their staff participated in the voting process, and none other than Sharvvind, Year 13 was elected. Congratulations to Sharvvind on this well-deserved achievement! Here is what Sharvvind has to say; “It was an honour to work with and to get to know each and every one of you. I am pleased to know that I had a positive impact on the lives of Granvillians. I hope people remember me for the kind of person that I am, not because of what I do.“

As we enter the final stretch of the academic year with only three weeks remaining, I would like to encourage Granvillians to make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead, whether they are academic, sporting, or social. Let us finish this year on a high note while embracing our honours code.

Ms Dominique Perrang, Assistant Housemistress

Prep School Updates

It was a ridiculously early morning. The birds were silent, the cats were still snuggled in their beds, and the owls were still awake. I wondered: why would I wake up at a time like this? Then I remembered … Today is our Gopeng trip!

I bolted out of my bed, bursting with excitement, and got ready with the biggest smile on my face.

Some time passed by, and eventually, we arrived after an exhausting bus ride full of wrestling and snacks. The environment had a spectacular earthy feel to it, and once we got to the main meeting place, we were separated into four groups, each given a tour by our respective guide. My group warmed up with a game to introduce ourselves to our guide. After that, we were shown the Raft Shed (where they store the equipment for activities), the river, the Makan Place (makan means ‘eat’ in Malay), and lastly, the Bouldering Zone.

We placed our luggage in the Bouldering Zone, put on our insect repellent and sunscreen, and dove straight into our very first main activity: Tapioca Farming! When my group entered the garden, the main instructor told us where to find tapioca and why we had to find it (we were going to bake a cake with it). He said it grows on roots and that we had to dig deep for it. Indeed, we had to, and it was rewarding: we found the tapioca jackpot, five bunches of tapioca all on one root!

We went back to the Makan Place with our harvest and split up into smaller subgroups to make the fire for the cake, prepare the unbaked cake, and make coconut shavings to add a final nice touch to the cake. I learned how to start a fire and discovered my hidden talent for using a fan to make a fire bigger. It was a surprisingly calming experience, starting a fire for the first time. Once we had made our fire enormous, the instructor made a furnace, and we gently placed the cake the other groups made inside it to bake.

While the cake was baking, the instructor led us to our dorms and the dining area where we would be eating. I was truly astonished by the beauty of the dorms! There were so many bunk beds, and there was a fresh smell of recent cleaning. The dining area had a lemonade station and many, many, many fewer mosquitoes than the Makan Place where we ate.

After this, we had free time, and we had lots of fun, from baseball to hide and seek in the dark. It was chaotic, but I enjoyed it.

We then had dinner, ate our cake, and finally got some well-deserved sleep after the long day.

The dawn of the second day lit our dorms as we woke up still tired from the activities of the previous day. Day two turned out to be even harder on us and was the toughest day.

We had the challenge of some intense water activities all while in the fierce water currents of a river. This set of challenges included: crossing the river, swimming safely against the current, avoiding dangerous objects in the water, and the most daring of them all: saving someone from drowning.

These water activities were a blast! I passed all of them effectively because of the amazing guidance by the instructors. It was so fun, but I couldn’t wait for the next water activity. It's one of my favourite things to do on vacation: water rafting!

My group was very cooperative. We paddled in a synchronised motion, cooled each other down, and had some fun at the same time by splashing each other. We even stopped together once in a while to see monkeys fooling around. It was pure relaxation on the river.

After all the paddling and swimming, we decided that it was not enough. We wanted to go crazy on the dance floor.

So the amazing staff took in some song suggestions and hosted a disco night! We all definitely needed this, as we found the random dancers in the spotlight very amusing. We all left entertained and felt sad that we had to leave when the night was still young.

The sun rose in my dorm on the last day. Everyone was absolutely pumped for the day’s activities, even from the start of the trip.

We were going to mountain school! It's full of adventurous climbing, frightful jumping, and soaring through the skies—all the best things in life to make you feel truly alive.

My group’s first activity was ziplining. It seemed very spine-chilling at first, especially when I went up the many high flights of stairs, but when I finally did it, it was so calming and graceful as I zoomed through the air.

The next activity was rock climbing, but on a real mountain. This one was actually scary, as a result of this activity putting you so high with the rope feeling like it's not even supporting you (don't worry, it is!). The rocks were also so sharp and some were loose, which raised our anxiety levels. Many of us still passed the hard level, though not without many rough difficulties along the way.

The toughest challenge was the Giant’s Ladder—climbing a gigantic ladder by yourself isn’t easy, so they let you use the power of teamwork and go with a partner. This was too tough, and not many passed this level. I'd even say it's the hardest thing I have ever tried. This one is a must; you can use it to test your limits.

The final activity of the day and trip was the Leap of Faith. This one’s self-explanatory. You jump off a high place and trust that the rope will save you. I loved seeing people do this one because they had that happy smile on their face after doing it, knowing that it's one fear they have conquered.

This trip was a wonderful refresher on how beautiful nature is and what fun you can have without screens.

These three days have been the experience of a lifetime. It was like living life to its fullest, one joyful moment at a time!

Written by You Qian, Year 6

Drama Department News

The end of the academic year is fast approaching and with it, the wonderful showcases and celebrations. High on the Drama department's agenda is the Epsom Arts Festival on the 26th and 27th of June. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to engage with creative workshops and then performances.

We are also very excited to celebrate the hard work of our Prep School

Lost in the Toy Museum

First to kick off our end-of-year celebrations is the Early Years presentation
Wednesday 19th June
8:30 am
Drama Studio

Well done to our year 1 and 2 students Jasteen, David, Florence, Ivan and Harishan on your beautiful poster!


Tuesday 18th June
Performance 1 - 2 pm Epsom Theatre

Performance 2 - 7 pm Epsom Theatre

Here are some rehearsal pictures from this week’s rehearsals.

Prop Making CCA Our team of enthusiastic prop makers have been hard at work, ensuring the Prep production has all they need for a successful show.

The Junior College Production

As part of The Arts Festival, there will be a performance of the Jnr. college production of “The Man in the Bowler Hat.” A terribly exciting little affair happens in the humdrum life of John and Mary, a tempest in a teapot, but while it lasts--well, it's high comedy, at least for the audience!

Geography at Epsom

Let’s start by congratulating our Year 11, 12 and 13 students for the successful completion of the A Level, AS Level and iGCSE exams by our Geography students! This milestone is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and resilience students have demonstrated throughout the year.

For our Year 11 and 13 students it marks the end of a 2 year journey studying geography. Many case studies have been discussed with place specific detail committed to memory. Coursework and mocks along the way have prepared students well for these exams but also for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. For some, this will include going on to study geography at a higher level.

For our Year 12 students, 50% of the course is now under their belts and A2 studies are underway, starting with coastal environments - there are more intriguing and diverse case studies to learn!

One such case study is the Great Barrier Reef, where a new wave of coral restoration methods, such as robots and mass-manufacturing techniques, promises to speed up the recovery of coral reefs. In Australia, Coral Maker, led by Taryn Foster, uses robotic automation to attach nursery-grown corals to mass-produced skeletons made from recycled materials, aiming to restore up to 250 acres of coral reef annually. Similarly, the Coral Restoration Foundation (CRF) in the Florida Keys employs floating nurseries to grow juvenile corals, which are then transplanted to reefs.

However, these restoration efforts face significant challenges due to increasing ocean temperatures caused by climate change. Marine heatwaves and rising temperatures, projected to potentially destroy 99% of coral by the 2030s, threaten the long-term success of these initiatives. While innovative restoration methods show promise, experts stress the importance of addressing global warming to ensure lasting coral survival and ecosystem health.

Mr Sam Prestidge, Head of Epsom Geography Department.

History & Politics at Epsom

Normally with the summer holidays approaching we would be advising our Year 12 Politics students on which areas of the textbook to revise and what chapters to focus on. However the 2024 cohort are blessed as my advice at the moment is to put away the stuffy textbooks and get out their devices to follow every news stream and political commentator around. In Sixth Form politics we focus fully on British and USA politics and there is not just one major election happening but TWO; the UK election on the 4th July and the US Election in November.

At the moment the UK political landscape is charged with anticipation. The 2024 election will be a crucial moment for the country, shaping its policies and direction in the post-Brexit, post-pandemic era. So what will be the key issues, main political players, and potential outcomes of the upcoming general election

Several pressing issues are dominating the 2024 general election campaign:

  • Economic Recovery and Cost of Living: The economic fallout from Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a significant concern. Voters will be closely scrutinizing parties' plans for economic recovery, job creation, and tackling the rising cost of living.
  • Healthcare: The state of the National Health Service (NHS) remains a critical issue. Concerns over funding, staffing shortages, and waiting times will likely be central to the debate.
  • Climate Change: Environmental policies are increasingly important to voters, particularly younger demographics. Parties will need to present clear strategies for addressing climate change and promoting sustainable development.
  • Immigration and Border Control: Post-Brexit immigration policies and border control measures will continue to be contentious topics, with differing views on how best to manage these issues.

The major political parties all have their own leadership style and agenda:

  • Conservative Party: Led by the beleaguered Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the Conservative Party will aim to maintain its hold on power. Sunak's leadership will be under scrutiny, especially regarding his handling of the economy and post-Brexit trade relations.
  • Labour Party: Starmer’s focus on social justice, economic equality, and public service improvements will be central to Labour’s campaign According to one senior political analyst has a 99% chance of becoming the next PM
  • Liberal Democrats:In spite of a range of publicity pranks Ed Davey’s Liberal Democrats seem uninspired and the Cleggmanisa of 2010 is highly unlikely to be repeated
  • Scottish National Party (SNP): The post-Nicola Sturgeon SNP under John Swinney looks in serious trouble with Labour looking likely to take many Scottish seats.
  • Green Party: With growing environmental concerns, the Green Party, led by Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay, will look to expand its influence by advocating for comprehensive climate action and sustainable policies.It is likely that they may win in Bristol as well as Brighton
  • Reform UK: Successor to the Brexit Party, Reform UK, led by the populist NIgel Farage, will focus on issues like immigration control and political reform, aiming to appeal to voters dissatisfied with the mainstream parties.

Most political projections and opinion polls are calling a massive Labour majority, maybe even overshadowing Tony Blair’s massive landslide victory in 1997. With Nigel Farage’s right wing rhetoric splitting the Conservative vote even further this seems almost inevitable. However there is still a long way to go and anything can happen in the leadership debates and there is bound to be scandals and smears that will appear in the national press that will shift public opinion. As former PM Harold Wilson famously stated “a week is a long time in politics” and nothing can be taken for granted.

Mr James Dale, Head of History and Politics

U16 Boys Hockey - Epsom v KTJ

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Astronomy Week at Epsom

We, the Academic Prefects are planning an Astronomy Week between 10 and 14 June – this will be an exciting and enriching week full of events and competitions!

You can find a reiteration of what was mentioned during the assembly in more detail below:


  • 6 societies will present from Monday to Friday at the GC
  • The societies involved (in sequential order): Maths, Humanities, Language, BSE, Scienz, and Media
  • Presentations will range between commerce, time dilation, to existentialism


  • Junior (Y7-9) & Senior (Y10-12) category
  • Junior topic:
    • What is life?
  • Senior topic (a choice of 1 from 3):
    • What defines our existence?
    • Are we alone in the universe? How can you know?
    • Imagine if you are the only living entity in the entire universe. Describe your life and daily routine.
  • Prizes:
    • Certificate of participation (for all)
    • Certificate of achievement (top 3 in each category)
    • Diamond Distinction for the winner of each category
    • Junior: BSE vouchers (RM30, 20, 10) + feature on Friday Flyer
    • Senior: Shopee vouchers for top 3 (RM50, 30, 20) + feature on Friday Flyer
  • Your writing process can start now! The deadline for submission falls on 17 June (submission form will be sent out on 10 June)


  • 30 pm on 13 June (Thursday)
  • Snacks & drinks will be sold
  • Most likely @Pavilion (depends on the weather)

Good luck to those sitting for examinations! We will keep you updated as the week draws closer and we look forward to your enthusiastic participation and hope to see everyone get involved!

Thank you all!

Best regards,

Academic Prefects 2024/25

Celebrating Student Sucess - AIMS Language Competition

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you. This year, we sent 30 students to participate in the AIMS Language Competition on Saturday, 25th May. Congratulations to all participants for their hard work and for representing Epsom College in Malaysia. Here are some highlights of their achievements:

🥇 Una: KS 4 First Language Chinese

🥈 Mofei: KS 3 First Language Chinese

🥉 Jasleen: KS 1 Foreign Language BM

The AIMS Language Competition is an annual speech competition where students demonstrate their writing and public speaking skills in Chinese, Bahasa Malay, French, and Spanish. This year, the event attracted 500 students from 30 schools across Malaysia. Looking forward, we are excited to see even more students participating in next year's competition in 2025.

Ms Peng, Head of Epsom Mandarin Department

Great Golf

Adrianna, Year 9 Crawfurd, recently showcased her golfing prowess at the US Kids Golf European Championship 2024, held at Craigielaw Golf Club in Longniddry, Scotland, from May 28th to 30th. This prestigious event is one of Scotland's largest junior golf tournaments, drawing over 500 participants from more than 50 countries.

Competing in the Girls 14 Category, Adrianna faced 14 rivals from nine different countries. She performed admirably from the start, finishing the first day in second place, just two strokes behind the leader. On the second day, she surged ahead to take a one-stroke lead. Despite facing challenging conditions on the final day, with gusty winds up to 15 mph and rain, Adrianna persevered.

Ultimately, Adrianna secured a commendable second place in the Girls 14 Category, a historic achievement as no other female junior golfer from Malaysia has reached such a distinguished position on European soil.

In addition to this individual success, Adrianna's lead on Day 2 earned her a spot in the Van Horn Cup, a prestigious one-day best ball tournament held at North Berwick Golf Club. This participation marked her as the first female junior golfer from Malaysia to compete in the Van Horn Cup.

Adrianna was part of the Red Team, competing in a Ryder Cup format against the Blue Team. Her exceptional performance on the international stage brings great honor to Epsom College in Malaysia and immense pride to her homeland, Malaysia.

Marvelous Music

Warmest congratulations to Anna Ruth, in Year 8, Crawfurd, who will be performing with the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (MPYO) side-by-side with the Orchestra Filipino Youth (OFY) in two concerts, on the 8th June 2024 at 8.30pm at Auditorium Bandaraya, Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) and 9th June 2024 at 3pm at the Dewan Filharmonik PETRONAS (DFP).

If you would like to catch the performance at DBKL on the 8th June, please register for free passes here:

So, Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading our Epsom Friday Flyer and we wish you all the very best for a restful weekend.

Happy Friday from us all at Epsom.


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