Headmaster's Welcome

We hope that you have enjoyed a productive week and are looking forward to the weekend.
Following on from the welcome article shared in Issue 185, I have been reflecting on the importance of gratitude and decided to make this the theme of our College Assembly.
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to get caught up in the minutiae, and focus on the negatives. It is often helpful to take time to acknowledge the many positives and to actively ‘count our blessings’. Gratitude, the practice of recognising and appreciating the good in our lives, holds immense power in shaping our perspective and fostering a positive mindset.

Consider the analogy of the black dot on a white canvas. When asked what stands out, most will immediately point to the dot, ignoring the vast expanse of white that dominates the space. Similarly, our minds often fixate on the negatives—the proverbial black dots—while disregarding the multitude of positives that abound.
Sadly, we all have a tendency to notice flaws rather than celebrate strengths. We catastrophise…

Media inundate us with stories of strife and turmoil, perpetuating a culture of fear and cynicism. There is a general tendency to gravitate towards criticisms rather than commendations, further reinforcing this skewed perspective. It's no wonder that we find ourselves instinctively drawn to the black dots in our lives.

But what if we shifted our focus? What if, instead of dwelling on the negatives, we take appropriate action to right any wrongs and then train our gaze on our abundant blessings? This simple yet transformative act lies at the heart of gratitude.

Gratitude is not merely about uttering a perfunctory "thank you" or listing off our possessions. It's about cultivating a deep appreciation for life's wonders, both big and small. It's about acknowledging the efforts of others, recognising our own resilience, and finding joy in the present moment.
The concept of counting blessings has permeated various facets of society, from art to psychology. Take, for instance, the song "Count Your Blessings (Instead of Sheep)." According to the songwriter, Irving Berlin, himself, he employed this approach to help aid his stress-induced insomnia. Indeed, research has shown that practising gratitude can lead to improved mental health, enhanced relationships, and greater overall well-being.

For students navigating the exams season and inherent academic pressures, gratitude can be calming. Rather than fixating on outcomes, they can find solace in the knowledge that they've given their best effort and have the opportunity to learn and grow from their experiences. Teachers and parents alike can foster an environment of gratitude by acknowledging the progress and potential of each student, nurturing a sense of optimism and resilience.
In essence, gratitude invites us to see the whole picture—to appreciate the beauty of the canvas rather than fixate on the dots. It challenges us to reframe our perspective, shifting our focus from scarcity to abundance, from despair to hope. As we cultivate an attitude of gratitude, we not only transform our own lives but also sow the seeds of positivity and kindness. So, this weekend, maybe take a moment to count your blessings, and embrace the fullness of life's tapestry.
I hope that you enjoy the articles to come. Happy Reading and Happy Friday!
Best wishes,
Mr Matthew Brown, Headmaster
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A Message from Our Incoming Heads and Deputty Heads of College

Sameer - Year 12, Propert: It is an immense honour to be selected as the Head of College for the year 24/25. It feels surreal, especially after watching Elliot and Jing Yan manage their team with such precision and a deft hand at leadership. As we feel the weight of the mantle placed upon our shoulders, I intend to perform my duties to the best of my abilities.
Woorin - Year 12, Rosebery: If you told me 5 years ago that I would be taking on such responsibility, I would not have believed you. Epsom is a special place for me because it is where I learnt things that led me to this new chapter of my journey. I am so grateful to be given this opportunity, and I hope to make everyone's experience at Epsom as enriching as my own with the help from our new prefect team!

Young Gyoum - Year 12, Granville: As a student who joined Epsom by online class during the pandemic, I received so much support from the senior prefects to get used to the Epsom community. I have always admired the senior prefects and dreamed about being one of them. Fortunately, I have been given the opportunity to serve the school as the Deputy Head of College for 2024/25. Although it still feels unbelievable to be appointed as Deputy Head of College, I am truly pleased to take this opportunity to dedicate my last year of college life to Epsom. The tie I received is the trust and responsibility that Youngmok, Alicia, and Epsom gave me. To fulfill the expectations and complete my duty, I will support and enable Epsom to flourish by supporting my peer prefects and Epsomians. I would like to write history with my peers that Epsom will remember.
Maya Year 12, Rosebery: The news of being appointed as the Deputy Head of College for 2024/25 continues to feel surreal to me. Admittedly, I grappled with doubts before pursuing this role, consumed by the fear of falling short — What if I lacked the competency? What if I fail to meet the expectations of the Epsom Community? However, echoing the words of my Papa, "You'll never know until you try.” Now, I bask in the glow of a risk well taken, a leap of faith that sings no song of regret. Embracing this Tie also means shouldering a significant responsibility, one that I welcome wholeheartedly. My aspirations go beyond enhancing the College Environment and supporting my peers. This new Chapter ahead is not just about fulfilling duties, but about embracing challenges, growing, and — ultimately — becoming the best version of myself. And, y’know what is even more remarkable? I’m fortunate to do all of this alongside a Prefect Team consisting of intelligent, passionate, and dedicated individuals.
A Message from our Leadership Team - Mrs Jane Rouson
Back in September 2022, I wrote an article for our Friday Flyer about the importance of joy and how we all need to be willing to open our hearts to the feeling of joy.
I mention this because last week, our Year 4 class went on a short adventure to Port Dickson Nomad Adventures Centre, for their residential trip and they experienced and created countless memories and joyful moments over the two days.
The trip started early on the morning of Thursday 2nd May. Full of excitement and anticipation the children and teachers travelled by bus to Port Dickson.

When the group arrived, there was no time to waste. They split into teams, talked about their hopes for the trip and the team expectations.

The first main activity was the Beach Olympics where the children ran, jumped and splashed on the beach in a friendly competition.
Then it was back to base to shower and have lunch before the next adventure.
Hiking in the rainforest is not for the faint of heart, however our joyful travellers put their best foot forward and made the most of the opportunity to learn about nature and trek with their friends in the Tanjung Tuan Forest…even if there were lots and lots of nibbling insects!
Eventually they arrived at the wonderful Rachado Lighthouse.

The exhausted children and teachers spent the evening reflecting on their day and appreciating their time together.
A well-earned and much needed good night’s sleep was in order as they settled down in their dorms for the night. We are so proud of how sensible, mature and kind the children were, on what was for some, their first night away from their parents.
The final activity of the trip was the much anticipated paddleboarding. After getting into their life vests, the group headed for the beach for instruction and lots of fun.
Sadly, on Friday lunchtime the trip had to end and the weary group headed back to school.
On arrival, despite being tired, all the children could not wait to share their experiences with me and their parents and big smiles were firmly fixed on their faces.
I did not attend this trip but it makes me so happy to see so much joy on the faces in these (and many more) photographs and I know the children and teachers had such a wonderful experience.
Our Year 4 children are an absolute delight to teach and were a fabulous group to take on this journey for the main reason that they allow themselves to experience joy in everything they do. They follow the mantras of ‘Let’s do it!’; ‘Why not?’; and ‘This will be fun.’ in their approach to school and life and should be role-models to us all for opening their hearts to joyful opportunities!

Thank you so much to Mr Mark Eyton-Jones. Mrs Nicola Long and Mrs Nguyet Larbaru for taking the children on the trip and of course to the brilliant Year 4 children for getting the most out of this experience as possible.
Jane Rouson, Head of Epsom Prep School
Granville House News
As we gear up for end-of-year assessments, including IGCSEs and A-level exams, Granvillians are making the most of their time with our form tutors during prep sessions. We are fortunate to have a diverse team of subject specialists, covering Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, EAL, Economics, and more. During these prep sessions, students actively seek assistance, whether they're working on homework assignments or practicing past papers. The feedback and support provided during these sessions are invaluable in boosting students' confidence, especially as they approach external examinations. In the image below, you can see Mr Prestidge assisting Genki with past paper questions in Geography, illustrating the dedicated support that students receive from our tutors during this critical period. Here’s what Genki had to say about Mr Prestidge’s help: “I was so happy to be taught by Mr Prestige during prep time. His assistance helped me so much with paper 1 geography. If I hadn’t received help from him, I wouldn't have had enough confidence to sit for my paper 1. Thank you for your time sir!”

Above, we witness our Maths expert, Ms Louise van der Linde, guiding Rakuta through Geometry during prep. Rakuta, Year 10, expressed his gratitude, stating, "Miss is always polite and never fails to share a funny joke. I feel comfortable seeking help from her, as she is also my tutor. She's not just a great teacher; she imparts valuable life lessons and guides us to become better students. Thank you, Miss!"
Below outlines Granville’s prep guidelines which we encourage the boys to follow.

As our staff traverse the house, they offer gentle reminders to students on how to enhance their preparations. For instance, Mr Jones shares tips with Year 12s on improving their IELTS preparations, while Ms Perrang quizzes Year 11 on IGCSE business studies before bedtime. Pei Hu, Year 11, reflects on the value of night quizzes, remarking, "Taking quizzes at night allows for continuous learning, keeping me alert and pushing boundaries as I prepare for my IGCSE exams."
Not limited to tutors, peer teaching is also prevalent in our house. Senior boys are often seen assisting one another and Key Stage 4 boys in Granville. Below, we observe Sharvvinnd helping Genki with a Maths problem.

Throughout the three floors, whiteboards are adorned with summaries, mind maps, to-do lists, and notes, as students tirelessly revise and prepare. It's inspiring to witness the boys quizzing each other and engaging in discussions on improving their responses to better prepare for exams. Here is some of their work below.

Despite the pressure of exams, we prioritise balance. Whether it's beginners' yoga sessions or hitting the gym to unwind from studying, we encourage students to take care of their well-being amidst their academic endeavours.

Tutors play an indispensable role in supporting students, not only during examination periods but throughout the entire year, aiding in their transitions and caring for their well-being. In addition, It's truly gratifying to witness Granvillians diligently putting in the effort and hard work as they prepare for end of year assessments and external exams. Keep going lads!
Mrs Dominique Perrang, Assistant Housemistress Granville House.
Languages at Epsom College
🎉🕌 Celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri! 🕌🎉
It was a pleasure to experience the vibrant colours, lively music, and delectable traditional dishes of Hari Raya Aidilfitri last month. We enjoyed varied performances of poetry, song and dance by both students and parents - perhaps a new audience favourite? - during the Celebration Assembly.
We want to extend our appreciation to all of the performers and those who supported behind the scenes. A special shout out must go to the Dance CCA group - Yuzheng, Maria, Yeseo, Shino, Vyenn, Abby, Duo Liya and Mofei - who learned and rehearsed the traditional dance steps almost completely independently, creating a beautiful performance.
We also want to address some feedback we've received regarding the duration of the event. We understand that some of you wished the celebration could have been longer. Rest assured, we are taking your feedback into account as we plan future events, striving to strike the balance between showcasing our students' talents and respecting everyone's time.
Once again, a huge thank you to our amazing students and supportive parents for making this Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration happen.
Wishing you and your families continued happiness and blessings as we continue to celebrate the spirit of togetherness and unity.
Chinese Bridge Building

Last Sunday, Adriana advanced to the final round of the Chinese Bridge Competition held by the Kongzi Institute at the University of Malaya. Participants from various Malaysian states competed for this national championship. Adriana took part in the Chinese quiz, speech giving, and creative performance. Congratulations to Adriana on receiving the Participation Award!
Tired? For a day student, returning to school to undertake athletics training for 2 hours, early on a Saturday morning, might be the last thing you’d want after a long week of classes, football, teeball and swimming CCAs. However, as a dedicated member of our U11 FOBISIA squad, that is exactly what you would have been doing since the beginning of the Spring Term. As one of our Prep School Fobisians you will have reaped the rewards of your hardwork and commitment having returned from the event with a truly monumental haul of medals and trophies at Epsom’s first showing at the u11 FOBISIA Games held in Thailand.

On the morning of the first day of the U11 FOBISIA Games, on Friday 26th April, Epsom competed against other international schools from around the world in athletics. A treasure trove of 12 gold, 22 silver and 12 bronze medals were earned on the track and field, with every athlete winning at least 1 medal. The standout performance came from the boys 4x100 relay who obliterated their opponents, with smooth changeovers and electric speed.The spread of accolades allowed Epsom to finish 2nd overall in the athletic events.
Despite temperatures pushing 40°C, athletes overcame their fatigue and rallied around the swimming pool in anticipation for more glory. A further 12 gold, 7 silver and 5 bronze medals saw our Fobisians earn 3rd place in the overall ranking after earning a podium spot in 24 of the 40 events. After some disappointments with disqualifications, our athletes battled through adversity and came out smiling on the other side. A true show of resilience we can all be proud of.

On the 2nd day of the competition, the squad split into A and B teams for the teeball competitions. The B team joined forces with Garden International School, Bangkok and played a memorable tournament building inter-school friendships. Meanwhile, cruising to the final, the A team needed 3 points from their last hit of the game. 2 athletes on bases were crying out for a colossal strike to send the ball into deep field. Up steps Kaiyang, no stranger to pressure, who blasts a meteor over the heads of the opposition, sending children and parents into rapture. 1 more trophy for the collection.
The last day of the competition lived up to expectations. Exhibiting incredible teamwork, courage and sportsmanship, the boys’ team strode to the final, where they were unfortunate to lose on penalties. A heartbreaking way to end any tournament, but an experience that will surely build mental toughness and physical fortitude. For the girls’ team, heads were hanging low after a defeat in the first game. However, through dazzling individual performances and endless energy, they pushed all the way to the finish line and came away with a 1st place trophy. An incredible feat which proves that a ‘never give in’ attitude is something that should always be embraced. Girls’ football is here, and it’s here to stay.

What an incredible tournament.
Our U11 Fobisians must be incredibly proud of what they have achieved through determination, hard work and a neverending willingness to improve. However, it's not just their extrinsic rewards which they must hold dear. The friendships made, the collaboration they nurtured and the maturity that they have developed will leave a lasting imprint on their characters as they continue to excel in class and on the sports field. The pride their coaches hold in the progress that they have shown, is equalled by the impressive achievements of Epsom’s U11 FOBISIA squad for 2024.
Tired? It was worth it.
Mark Eyton-Jones. Prep School Well-being and Pastoral Leader
Sixth Form Upcoming Events
As the academic year progresses, we at the Sixth Form are thrilled to unveil two exciting events designed to illuminate pathways to higher education and engage in enlightening discussions on historical significance.
Russell Group and Top 15 Australian University Fair
First on our agenda is the eagerly anticipated Russell Group and Top 15 Australian University Fair. Scheduled for Thursday, 16th May 2024, from 01:00 to 03:00 pm at the Sixth Form Centre, Level 3, this fair promises to be an invaluable resource for both students and parents alike.
The primary aim of this event is to offer a comprehensive insight into some of the world's leading universities, empowering attendees to make informed decisions about their future academic endeavors. Here’s what you can expect:
Engaging with Renowned Institutions: Representatives from esteemed universities will be present, providing a unique opportunity for attendees to interact directly with these institutions.
Exploring Academic Opportunities: Gain valuable insights into various academic programs, scholarships, and extracurricular activities offered by these prestigious universities.
Informative Sessions: Attend sessions focusing on admissions procedures, financial aid, and student life, offering clarity on crucial aspects of university life.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with other parents and educational experts, fostering a supportive network for sharing insights and experiences.
We firmly believe that this fair will be instrumental in guiding students towards fulfilling their educational and career aspirations. Your presence and active participation are not only encouraged but also highly appreciated.
Epsom Live Talk with Datuk Paul Kiong: Covert Operations during the Malaysian Counter Insurgency War 1968 to 1989
In addition to our university fair, we are delighted to extend an invitation to the Epsom Live Talk featuring Datuk Paul Kiong. Scheduled for Thursday, 13th June 2024, from 4:00 to 05:30 pm at the Sixth Form Centre, Level 3, this talk promises a fascinating journey through history.
Datuk Paul Kiong will delve into the covert operations conducted during the Malaysian Counter Insurgency War, spanning from 1968 to 1989. This insightful talk offers a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of this significant period in history.
Save The Date!
As we approach the pinnacle of another successful year at Epsom College in Malaysia, we cordially invite you to join us for a yet another momentous occasion. It’s time to dust off your finest attire and prepare for an unforgettable evening at the 10th Annual Epsom Ball, hosted by the Friends of Epsom in Malaysia, scheduled for Friday, June 28th, 2024. This annual event is a long standing tradition we have adopted from our sister school Epsom College, UK.
This year’s ball holds particular significance as we mark a decade of excellence since the establishment of Epsom College in Malaysia. It promises to be an evening filled with elegance, camaraderie, and celebration, bringing together our Sixth Form students, dedicated teachers, esteemed staff, and supportive Prep & Senior Parents, along withour cherished Epsom partners.
Anticipation mounts as we unveil a lineup of distinguished guests and surprises, ensuring that this year’s ball will surpass all expectations. Stay tuned for the upcoming exciting announcements!
Embracing the theme of ‘Old Hollywood,’ we invite you to step back in time to the
glamour and sophistication of the 1920s. The illustrious St. Regis hotel, our chosen venue, perfectly complements the theme, promising an atmosphere of opulence and grandeur.
Prepare to immerse yourself in an enchanting evening reminiscent of a bygone era, where every moment promises to be as memorable as the last. We eagerly anticipate your presence at this extraordinary event, as we come together to honour our rich history and embrace the promise of the future.
We are delighted to announce that Early bird tickets are available now till 6th May 2024. Grab it fast! Kindly purchase your ticket now to fill in the form in the link below:
Details are in the flyer attached and payments are to be made via internet banking, please find the college bank details below:
Bank: CIMB Bank Berhad
Account name: Epsom College Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Account number: 8001749320
Branch: Solaris, Mont Kiara, Kuala Lumpur
Swift code: CIBBMYKL
Note :
- Kindly state the following in the reference : EPSOM BALL 24
- All transaction receipts must be uploaded to the purchase
- Please note that seats are available on a first come first serve basis and only confirmed upon successful payment.
Please do not hesitate to contact us email If you have any further questions or would like further information.
Warm regards,
Chairman, Friends of Epsom College in Malaysia

Epsom V Tenby Eco Hill U15 Volleyball
So, Dear Reader,
Thank you for reading our Epsom Friday Flyer and we wish you all the very best for a restful weekend.
Happy Friday from us all at Epsom.
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