Headmaster's Welcome

Happy Friday Dear Reader,

We have enjoyed a wonderful week this week!! There has been so much on offer – Music, Sports, and of course many STEM related activities! 

Here is the LINK to what has been happening at Epsom.

One of the highlights for us all was FIVERA, an international vocal pop opera group, who came to visit our school to offer workshops and an evening performance. Tuesday night’s concert was out of this world! The effortless power of the singer’s voices and their incredible range blew us away. It was fantastic to see our Senior String Ensemble perform with them along with Anna – Year 12 Rosebery, an aspiring opera singer. Very well done to Anna, Kaith – Year 11 Rosebery, Soichiro – Year 8 Holman, Gabrielle – Year 10 Crawfurd, Anna Ruth – Year 7 Crawfurd and Yi Shan – Year 12 Rosebery. Thanks also to Bryan, Year 13 Propert who played the drums so well.

This week was Epsom STEM Week and Mr Bevan led Monday’s College assembly to launch this exciting initiative and to enlighten us on the importance of STEM related careers.

Mr Bevan showed us how STEM has transformed our lives and how careers in this field will undoubtedly shape our future as they have our past. He began by exploring deadly epidemics such as the Black Death and how they were able to spread so rapidly as a result of our lack of understanding at the time.

Scientists take the initiative to better understand the world around them and this has enabled us to improve our lives on many levels.

One such scientist was Dr John Snow who, through a logical and systematic approach mapped out the locations of the highest death rates from cholera in London in the 19th Century. His map enabled him to make the lifesaving connection between the water pumps and the death rates. He came to understand that the water the people were drinking was contaminated. 

The connection that Dr John Snow made between bacteria and illness was consolidated by those who came later and modern medicine was born.

Thanks to the development of scientific understanding we have been able to develop vaccines that have enabled us to develop powerful vaccines and limit the spread of disease such as Covid 19:

It is clear that STEM has saved millions of lives – consider the impact of pasteurisation and water chlorination

All this started with the likes of Dr John Snow:

Who knows what will be discovered in the future thanks to advancements in medicine and scientific research? What will Engineering give us?

This led on to Mr Bevan’s next point namely Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is developing exponentially and we were shown this CLIP to enable us better understand how far AI has come. The advancements made are undeniable when we consider ChatGBT. This led Mr Bevan to move on to the concept of Technological Singularity:

Technological Singularity ‘is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization.’ We considered the implications of this for humankind and the need to have responsible, ethical and talented computer scientists to be able to meet the challenges of AI and to use its power for the betterment of mankind. 

AI is becoming more and more aware. 

With this in mind, it is important that people that understand how to code and that those people are morally competent in their duty towards advancing AI.

This week has been a fantastic opportunity for students to explore STEM in a fun and interactive way – here is what has been on offer this week:

There have been many competitions and the winners have yet to be announced. The student with the most points will win a trip to WINDLAB:

I hope that you enjoy the articles to come. Happy Reading and Happy Friday!

Matthew Brown,


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Epsom House Drama 2023

And…The award this year goes to…Granville!!!

Term 2 has seen a hive of activity in the Drama department. The House Drama competition, rehearsals for the Key Stage 3 Production- Aladdin and the IGCSE and A-level Practical assessments has meant full rehearsal spaces and heightened energy on all fronts.

Epsom’s House Drama competition took place on the 8th of March. The theme “Save your Drama for your Mama!” was embraced with gusto and the competitive nature of this event was in full force.

We were treated to impeccable hosts, well written scripts and interesting plot lines. The performances were polished and the dedication of the House teams was evident to all. 

Top honours went to Granville- a well deserved win! 

Carr and Holmann charmed the audience with their creative composition and message of unity. They received the award for Best Creative Composition. 

This year we awarded acting awards. Best Senior Performers were Everest, Year 11 Propert and Keia,Year 13 Rosebery

Our Best Junior Performers were Yoritaka, Year 8 Carr:

and Rachel, Year 9 Crawfurd.



Carr and Holmann



A Message From Rosebery House

Oh! what a night. Rosebery reflects.

We’ve been flexing our theatrical muscles striding the boards as well as enjoying our rivals’ interpretations of ‘Save the Drama for your Mama’. 

Here, audience members and our script writer reflect on the process and the performances. We hope they bring back happy memories of a great night. 

This year’s House drama was truly captivating, with the actors’ hard work resulting in stunning performances. 

In Rosebery’s production, Sarasa and Adriana were exceptional, bringing their characters to life with expert precision. 

Sarasa embodied the terrified little girl who bravely broke through the cult ritual, expertly conveying her anxious and panicked mentality throughout the play. 

Adriana delivered a precise and powerful performance in the recorded suicide note scene, deftly portraying the character’s confusion and fear. 

Rosebery’s standout performance was the contagiously unique group dance at the end of the play. 

The make-up team delivered outstanding costume and makeup designs, perfectly reflecting each character’s traits. 

The director’s vision for the production was exemplary, with a seamless repertoire, tight rhythm, and a fascinating plot.

In another production, the Mom’s scene from Propert was deeply moving. The scene started off funny, with relatable words and actions reminiscent of my own mother. But when the mother said, “I just want my son to be happy his whole life,” I couldn’t hold back my tears. Despite their strictness, mothers always want their children to be healthy and happy. When the mother’s letter was read during her death scene, my tears flowed again. It was a beautiful and emotional performance. 

Crawfurd’s performance was interesting and engaging, with the actors’ lively stage presence captivating the audience.

Granville, this year’s championship winner, deserved the title with their unique themes and stunning performances, featuring dance and powerful lines. 

Carr&Holman won the Best Creative Award with their wonderful use of colors, particularly the cute and funny “purple” character. The colorful umbrella and raised national flags were also delightful surprises.

Congratulations to all houses for their beautiful performances, which brought us joy and taught us valuable lessons in teamwork and mutual support.

Written by:

Vicky, Yinuo, Sangge and Angel – Rosebery.

Hello! I’m Teja, the lead scriptwriter of Rosebery’s play this year! Script-writing is something I’ve dabbled in from time to time (an ex-drama student’s mindless habits), but I will say that this particular one had my friends and I scratching our heads. Plus, all the access to new technical stage equipment was really exciting but debilitating, and the script must always consider what is feasible from theatre to theatre. This experience however, means that as some of Rosebery’s writers, we’ll all be more prepared in the future to understand what an audience wants to receive from a drama performance while simultaneously incorporating the ideas of the House into it. And as a writer, it is important to continuously learn to master the art of performing on paper so as not to lose that spark or style. So, despite the struggles, if someone were to ask me if I would do it again, I’d say: “Why not?”

Teja, Year 12 Rosebery.

Marvelous Music

FIVERA entertains…


This week we were delighted to welcome FIVERA to Epsom- an International Pop-Opera vocal group. A number of events involving students and the whole school were organised to make the most of this opportunity to host FIVERA:

On Tuesday, a small number of students were invited to vocal workshops with FIVERA, then that evening we were invited to a concert in the Theatre to watch FIVERA play with our Epsom Senior String Ensemble. They performed a full set with the group. This was a whole school event for students, staff and parents. FIVERA sang a range of songs from Pop, Musical Theatre and Opera.

The evening was nothing short of breathtaking! The vocal range of the group was amazing and they performed many of the greats including an ABBA medley, Queen, Whitney Houston, Lady Gaga and more…The students were starstruck (so were staff!) and had to get out of their seats to dance!! When the group left the stage everyone chanted ‘encore, encore’, insistent on having just one more song and thankfully the group came back on stage and performed their ABBA medley one more time…the crowd went WILD!!!

On Wednesday and Thursday the seven members of our Epsom Senior String Ensemble performed with FIVERA at the Chow Kit Hotel. 

This was a wonderful and memorable opportunity for our talented musicians and vocalists and we are extremely grateful to FIVERA for their time as well as to the Epsom Board of Governors and our sister company The Ormond Group for their support of this event.

Mr Russell Crann

Director of Music

FIVERA - A Student's Perspective

This week we were treated to a night of world-class music, by our very own Anna, Kaith and Yi Shan. These Rosebuds are such class acts that, even though they are in KL tonight, accompanying FIVERA on a two-night run at the Chow Kit Hotel, they have written this article for us. Virtuoso musicians? You know it. Truly deeply dazzling human beings? You betcha.

Fantastic FIVERA

Tuesday night was absolutely thrilling and mesmerising as a pop opera group from Thailand, Fivera, left the Epsomians in awe with their amazing vocal and performing skills. It’s an honour for me to be able to showcase my passion for music along with the other members of the Senior String Ensemble. In all honesty, I really enjoyed ‘Never Enough’ from The Greatest Showman.  a Thai song called ‘Sabai Sabai’ and ‘Mamma Mia’ because there was a moment of engagement between FIVERA and Epsomians which really touched my heart deeply. We enjoyed FIVERA performing with the Epsom Senior String Ensemble in The Chow Kit Hotel, KL on WEdnesday and Thursday evenings as well. I loved every single moment of performing together with these wonderful musicians up on the stage. Hopefully, we’ll have another chance to bring FIVERA back to Epsom.There’s so much to look forward to so please come support events like these in the near future! 

Kaith,Year 11 Rosebery.

Tuesday night at Epsom was a blast thanks to Thailand’s first and only pop-opera group, FIVERA, who came all the way from Thailand to deliver a wonderful performance.They entertained the audience with a variety of well known songs such as one of the Broadway classics ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, Disney hits like ‘Let It Go’, ABBA’s ‘Mamma Mia’ and many more. A huge well done to our very own Senior String Orchestra, as they were the ones who accompanied the sextuplet’s vocals. It was an absolute honour to be able to perform alongside professional opera singers who certainly amazed all of us with their singing techniques. Moreover, we thank the audience for their enthusiasm throughout the night that made the overall performance far more entertaining than it already was! Finally I would like to thank FIVERA once again and our Music Department for giving me and everyone else the opportunity to experience such an unforgettable performance.

Yi Shan, Year 12 Rosebery.

More Marvelous Music - from Anna Ruth

Dear Readers,

I am happy to share with you that I was selected for a Masterclass session with Datuk Mustafa Fuzer Nawi at Panggung Sari, Istana Budaya. I played Csárdás by V. Monti 🙂 The venue was the Panggung Sari theatre and it was open to the public so that anyone interested could observe. 

I auditioned for Genius Seni Muzik (GSM) last August and was selected as Violin 1. It is a youth orchestra program under the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO).

Datuk Mustafa‘s is the retired Chief Conductor and Music Director of NSO.

The Masterclass was part of an event at Istana Budaya to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the NSO, please see the photo and for more information consult their social media too.

I had a lot of fun and learnt a lot from Datuk Mus (like building my imagination and improving my control of bow contact point and bow speed) 🙂 

I also performed in a GSM mini showcase back in November 2022, please see attached photos for the list of pieces we performed – Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Sound of Music, Classic medleys. I forgot to share with you about this as I fell ill after the event I was also chosen to back up the GSM Preparatory Orchestra and it was fun playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star variations too

Thanks and regards, 

Anna Ruth, Year 7 Crawfurd

Carr House Updates

Carr Shirts Have Arrived!

There is great excitement this week in Carr with the arrival of the Carr shirts that Umair, Year 9, designed earlier this year.

Pictured here are Ethan, Mrs Garnett and Jun Jie trying on the Carr shirts.

The designs include shirts for current Carr boys as well as those who are Carr “Old Boys”.

Pictured here are Umair, the shirt designer with Ahthithyan, a Carr Old Boy. Both are wearing their Carr shirts with pride.

Rayyan approached me with an outreach idea for our “Carr Cares” project that we could undertake with the selling of these shirts – some Carr students will soon be announcing the selling of these shirts in Holman, Propert and Granville in order to inform all the ‘Old Boys’ that they can purchase their “Carr House Old Boys Association ” shirts.

All profits from our shirt sale will be donated to a Mental Health Organization as one of our Carr Cares projects for this year.

It is not enough to have current and Old Carr Boys wearing Carr shirts! So I approached  parents to ask if they would be willing to design a Carr Parent shirt. We have one shirt design so far and so it won’t be long until all our Carr parents will be able to wear their Carr shirts with pride! 

We look forward to many more Carr Cares projects and to seeing lots of green shirts being worn in and around Epsom College!

Mrs Jennifer Garnett

Housemistress Carr House

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Epsom Interact Club

Hello from the other side!

Interact Club: Virtual Cultural Exchange 4th March 2023

The virtual cultural exchange between ECiM (Epsom College in Malaysia) Interact club  and Protea Heights Academy (PHA), Cape Town, South Africa  was an exciting opportunity for students to connect and learn about different cultures. This initiative  provided a platform for students to embrace and promote international understanding, breaking down barriers and fostering mutual respect and appreciation.

During the exchange, students from both schools had the chance to learn about each other’s cultures, food, music, and slang. They shared stories about their countries, which provided a unique insight into their respective cultures. “One of the highlights of this event was the ‘Spicy Noodle Challenge’ which allowed Interactors in the Grayling Centre as well as interactors of PHA to bond over noodles while struggling to hold back tears, resulting in the creation of a humorous and comical memory for us all” said Ke Ee, Year 12 Rosebery. 

This interact initiative was a great way for students to broaden their perspectives and gain a better understanding of the world around them, even though it was cut short due to technicalities.  Through these virtual interactions, students were able to develop their communication skills, build friendships, and gain a deeper appreciation of different cultures.

Virginia Africa, Rotarian from Oostenberg shared her thoughts as follows: “As South Africans we believe that resilience is one of our outstanding characteristics as a nation. Saturday, 4 March 2023 was no different and it was positively displayed in the eagerness and enthusiasm in which our learners participated, irrespective of the challenges.

The South African learners owe a big thank-you to their sponsor, The Oostenberg Rotary Club, for their support throughout the preparation towards the event and even more so on the day of the event for providing access to a generator as back-up during the time of the power outages.

The highlight of all of the above was the positive learning experiences of the participating learners, which by far outweighed and eliminated any negativity that could dampened the spirit and enthusiasm of the learners.

The participating learners had time to get a glimpse of the way things are approached and done in a different environment and context. If nothing else, it stimulated their curiosity to want to learn more about each other, their countries, their cultures and more.

The scene was set and we should build and expand on this wonderful experience of exploring and enrichment. May this only be the start of bigger and more exciting things to happen in the future. “

Thank you to all the interactors of ECiM for tuning in virtually or staying in the boarding houses to make this event possible over the weekend. Also, a big thanks to Ms Michelle Kueh, president of Rotary Nilai for her continuous support and for attending our first event. 

Overall, even though we had some technical challenges, we hope that this initiative marks the start of many more. The event gave our Club its first taste of the true meaning of leading such a lively group, as well as understanding the value of acknowledging diversity. Such initiatives can play a vital role in promoting international understanding, building cultural bridges, and fostering a more inclusive and tolerant society.

We hope that our future coming events will be just as memorable as this one.

Executive Team – Interact Club
Ke Ee, Layla, Yunju, Alesha and Isabel

Epsom Live Talk

Professor Joe Cherian

We were fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to be the moderators for a recent Epsom Live Talk with guest speaker Professor Joseph Cherian, a practice Professor of Finance at the Asia School of Business (in collaboration with MIT Sloan) and at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at the SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University. 

Professor Joseph Cherian graduated from MIT with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He then went on to complete his Masters and PhD in Finance at Cornell University. Professor Joseph Cherian has vast experience in the financial industry, having worked in or advised institutions such as Bursa Malaysia, Credit Suisse, Xen Capital, Bank of America Capital Management, the Ministry of Manpower in Singapore and the United Nations Social Impact Fund.

At the beginning of the Live Talk, Prof. Joseph Cherian shared his learning experience at MIT with us. According to him, he was a high-riding, super-confident student who had won the National Math Olympiad when he was studying at a public school in Malaysia. However, when he went to study at MIT, he realised that he was studying with a group of extremely talented people who were much smarter than him. The challenging nature of the course nor the lack of good grades in his first year did not intimidate him. (Fortunately, it helped that MIT is completely Pass/Fail in one’s freshman year.) In fact, he would ask his dormmates for help if he faced any difficulties with his problem sets! This was a huge step forward for him as he learned to be humble. We think that it is important to share his story with you, to inspire you to always be humble during your learning journey.

In addition, Prof. Cherian mentioned to the audience that buying inflation-indexed bonds is a good way to hedge the risk of increasing inflation in the US. This is because it is secured by the US government, is indexed to the inflation rate, and its risk is extremely low. Surprisingly, he told us that a lot of Americans do not know about this investment bond. “Such a shame!” he said. Fortunately, the investment firms have more recently started to organise campaigns to educate the citizens about this product. Mr Brown, who joined the Live Talk and constantly asked challenging questions, advised the students to pay extra attention to these special tips. It was a privilege for our students at Epsom to receive advice from a professor at such an early age as this advice will be particularly useful for our future financial journey. 

When asked about investment into the stock market, Prof. Cherian encouraged all of us to start investing at an early age. He stated that if we could, we should all start investing now as inflation takes away the value of our money. However, investments do have their drawbacks as we can lose a lot of our money in the stock market. We should have a diversified portfolio, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. And if you are risk-averse, make low-risk investments”. 

Prof. Cherian also emphasised the importance of giving back to the community. As a person who was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship to pursue his tertiary education at MIT, he believes that giving back to the community is a very important attribute that everyone should have as we must never forget our roots. Prof. Cherian himself always tries to give back by giving financial advice to the younger generation, helping retirees manage their retirement funds and helping various educational and charitable institutions on the financial front. As he mentioned during the talk, “The person who gives back often feels happier than the person who receives”. This is another virtue we should learn from him.

Best wishes,

Shang Jing Year 12 Granville & Sharvvind Year 12 Granville (pictured below with Professor Joe Cherian)

Here are the questions that Shang Jing and Sharvvind, moderators of the Epsom Live Talk, asked to Professor Joe Cherian along with the responses:

  1. According to your resume, you are currently a Practice Professor of Finance at Asia School of Business. I understand that it is a collaboration between Central Bank of Malaysia and MIT Sloan. I believe that a lot of our students are interested in knowing more about this school. Could you tell us more about this institution?

    I was not involved in the formation of ASB. But yes, it indeed is a collaboration between Bank Negara and MIT, which is my alma mater. It’s about building a world class business school with Asian values. Just like your EPSOM College in Malaysia. We like to say it is a Malaysian institution with an MIT DNA. It is something that someday will be the pride and joy of not only Bank Negara and MIT, but all those who are associated with it, including its alumni. We offer an MBA program, which is for those with an undergraduate degree and about 3 years’ experience, an Executive MBA for those with even more experience and seniority, and the only Masters in Central Banking in the world. We are moving to shorter programs with exciting enhancements. For example, our MBA program is going to be shorter in duration (1 year instead of 16 months), cheaper in cost, and – get this – you can get a 2nd Master’s degree from MIT Sloan or Yale School of Management in 9 months, plus, you will be able to work in America for 3 years upon graduation under a special work visa. It’s like you go to the local Kopitiam and order a drink, the chap not only gives you a kopi tarik, but a cappuccino with it for a total price less than buying each drink individually. Plus you get a job as a barista! We are also introducing MIT’s MicroMasters program at ASB in 2024, so you can obtain professional and academic credentials in small bite sizes and quickly from anywhere in the world (online), and then you combine that with short residence weeks at ASB or MIT, and wallah, you obtain a proper Master’s degree. This is the future of education. Hybrid model: online mostly and some in-person.

  2. From 2014 to 2016, you served at the Ministry of Manpower in Singapore as a member of the Central Provident Fund Advisory Panel. You also wrote a lot of articles about CPF.  In your opinion, how effective is it in helping the members to meet their retirement and healthcare needs? Is it sustainable?

    At the end of the day, we all want to possess values like “empathy, compassion, kindness, and selflessness”, especially in the community in which we reside. Where did I get all these smarts from? Your Headmaster on your EPSOM website. So, every time I get a call from the Singapore government to serve on one of their advisory or technical panels, I never say no. Same with the CPF. It is the single most important social security savings system in Singapore, like the EPF in Malaysia, the MPF in HK, and so on; to provide for your retirement & healthcare needs.  The CPF is extremely efficient on the savings part and then converting that to a government-guaranteed lifelong income stream to pay for your retirement and healthcare expenses – what we call a Life Annuity. However, the problem is many retirement schemes, including Singapore’s, allow you to dip into your savings before you retire: to pay for housing, exigencies, etc. That’s when they become unsustainable. As suddenly, at the age 65, the Singaporean realises he/she is cash poor (in his CPF) and asset rich (in his home)! OK, you are all now members of the CPF Advisory Panel. What would you do or advise them to do?

  3. In Malaysia, we have something similar called the Employees Provident Fund (EPF). During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government allowed the special withdrawal of EPF contributions to meet the urgent cash flow needs of the members. What is your opinion on this matter?

    It is the government’s job to provide for its people during times of extreme exigency, for example floods, droughts, pandemics, etc. Singapore and HK did that during COVID-19, whereas Malaysia, Australia, India, and the US did the exact opposite. So, we were in very good (but stupid) company. I wrote about this many times — as the pandemic started and even after it subsided. To conclude, don’t force people to dig into their retirement pot for anything but retirement; rather the government should be providing for this exigency. The articles are all on my website.

  4. Warren Buffett believes that derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction. I am curious to know about your opinions on financial derivatives. Do you think its pros outweigh the cons or vice versa?

    Warren Buffet is one of the most brilliant investment managers in the world, ever! I literally worship the ground he walks on. But he is also a good BS artist. Do you know Buffet runs one of the biggest derivatives businesses in the world? Through his insurance companies?

    Derivatives’ pros outweigh their cons.  They are the most brilliant risk management tool ever created. However, they are also leveraged securities. So, you should not only be well-intentioned but well-trained when you trade, risk manage or invest using derivatives. Do you know who taught me the phrase: “Many on Wall Street are perhaps well-intentioned, but they are poorly-trained!”

  5. I have organised a Real Life Economics CCA in our school. During our first session, I made a presentation on “Should we use a mathematical method or a historical method in analysing economics?”. We watched a video of the debate between professors at LSE entitled “Too much maths, too little history: The problem of Economics.” Do you think there is too much maths in finance? How important is maths in finance?

    You know there is another saying, “A little knowledge is dangerous?” Well, too much knowledge is lethal. There was a time in the 90s when Wall Street was filled with rocket scientists. These were PhDs and academics in Mathematics, Physics, etc., going to Wall Street and making loads of money they never could have imagined making in Physics or Mathematics, but sadly doing damage to financial markets along the way. While mathematical models are important to price, hedge and trade securities, one should have a balanced approach. You need mathematical models, qualitative judgement, good market experience, and extreme historical episodes (including drawdowns) for financial economic models to work well in practice. In the industry they call it a blended approach. Others refer to it as quantimental. Believe me, I did that for a living.

  6. What is the most important quality for someone who is interested in working in the finance and banking industry?
    • You must have the highest integrity, highest ethical standards, and take your fiduciary responsibility towards your clients seriously. And don’t do harm. There’s a lot of money you are managing or moving around. I managed US$67 billion of other people’s money while in New York.

      By the way, do you know who my role models are? It’s not Michael Milken – who by the way was convicted of felony charges for violating U.S. securities laws – Larry Fink of BlackRock or Klaus whatever his name is of the World Economic Forum. It certainly isn’t politicians. Here are 2 people who were way ahead of their times and beliefs and serve as my role models:

    • Samuel Langhorne Clemens a.k.a. Mark Twain, who said that humanism and any religion’s preaching of love are incompatible with the conduct of war. Also, when Mark Twain read that Americans (mainly soldiers & missionaries) were looting Beijing after the Boxer Rebellion, this was in the 1890’s, he wrote a scathing attack entitled, “The Reverend bandits of the American Board”
    • It’s also Henry David Thoreau, who practised the ESGs and SDGs in the 19th century, well before the UN did. He was an environmentalist who lived in a small hut using recycled materials – the first Earth Day was only celebrated in the US on 22 April 1970. His condemnation of the Mexican–American War of the 1840’s did not stem from any adherence to pacifism, but rather because he considered Mexico “unjustly overrun and conquered by a foreign army – mainly the US – as a means to expand the slave territory!” Yes, he was a staunch abolitionist, and regularly hosted anti-slavery fairs. Recall, the US Civil Rights Act was only enacted in 1964. 
    • These are people well ahead of their time, who took up their place in the world and made a difference..
    • But who are the role models we are producing these days? Kim Jong-Un, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson…
  7. You have been working in many government agencies and private firms. What is the biggest challenge that you faced and how did you overcome it?

    People who don’t believe that change is good nor can happen, that each of us can make a difference. I mean just because many politicians are corrupt, it doesn’t mean we cannot hope to be more like Singapore, where corruption remains firmly under control. Just because some people are jerks, it doesn’t mean we have to be.
  8. Do you have any advice for our students?

    Take your headmaster’s website advice to you to possess values like “empathy, compassion, kindness, and selflessness” seriously. That’s how my wife and I live our lives.

Sharvvind’ questions to Professor Cherian:

  1. MIT is one of, if not the top university in the world and I’m sure it is a dream for many of the students in this room right now to pursue their education in MIT. Could you please tell us about your experience studying at MIT?

    MIT was a transformational learning experience for me. We had the smartest engineering professors in the world, yet after every theoretical class or lecture, we would have to go to the lab to design circuits or robots. Very experiential learning in the 1980s itself. All educators use that term loosely now. Whereas I experienced that at MIT as part of the natural education process.

  2. In 1986 you gained your B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering in MIT. However, in 1992 and 1993, you completed your M.S. and Phd in Finance. May I ask why the change in interest?

    Well, the honest answer was I worked as an engineer for 3 years. After a while, I didn’t like getting my hands dirty every day. And I minored in Economics while at MIT and took some finance classes. These courses were taught in a very engineering-like fashion at MIT with lots of mathematical models. So, the change in interest was convenient. How do I say? Wrong reasons, but the right outcomes!

  3. As a former Independent Non-Executive Director of Bursa Malaysia, can you tell us about the importance of Bursa Malaysia to the investment community of Malaysia.

    A good, well-regulated, and efficient capital market is essential to any country’s economic development. We have a fairly decent capital market. The good news is we have Islamic Finance: we are the world’s biggest and most advanced issuer and financial market in Sukuk. The bad news, our conventional markets are sluggish. What we need is a StockConnect and BondConnect between Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand (and maybe even fast-growing Indonesia) – the way HK and China have hooked up their capital markets, both on the backend and frontend. We will be a powerhouse ASEAN capital market with such a tie-up.

  4. While at Credit Suisse, you were Managing Director, Global Head, and Chief Investment Officer, Quantitative Strategies Group. You had direct responsibility for over US$67 billion in client assets managed by a quantitative discipline. How do you manage your clients’ assets and assess the risk factors?

    We used a very systematic academic approach to generating alpha (positive returns) and managing the risks. So those who say financial academics don’t know what they are talking about, think again. We made money for our clients using our proprietary academic models — proprietary means our own models. Managing your risk is key. And, by the way, please also don’t listen to the academics who say practitioners don’t know what they are talking about.

  5. Last year you wrote an article about crypto currency being an institutional asset class, can you tell us about your thoughts on crypto currency? Will it be a stable asset that one should invest in or is it a scam?

    In the early days, I used to think cryptocurrencies were a scam. My views have upgraded since. I view them mostly as fraud now. That said, I think security tokens or utility tokens make eminent sense, as do Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). I.e., collateralized digital assets, which are digital assets backed by fiat money or quality assets as collateral, and properly audited for that like any Bursa- or NYSE-listed company would.  Such digital assets make eminent sense.

  6. I have gone through some of the articles you wrote, you have worked on an article about China’s credit bond market and you have mentioned China’s growing market as examples in a few other articles of your own. Why do you think China is able to undergo such rapid growth while other countries are unable to do the same? Do you think this growth is sustainable?

    China has achieved a lot, more than any other country in the history of our planet. They brought 800 million people out of poverty, and I have ridden their Shinkansen bullet train from Shanghai to Beijing. Simply amazing. One party rule and its transformative leaders had certainly helped its growth, just like in Singapore’s case. But once you mix religion with your politics and development, it’s history. So, I’ve lost interest in China for now… until there is regime change and more sensible Chinese are brought back to power.

  7. I believe a lot of people here with us today are interested in the stock market, some of us have even invested large amounts of money into it. What advice would you give to someone who wants to start investing into the stock market?

    Don’t think you can beat the market just by reading the Wall Street Journal or some investment reports. It’s not an easy investing arena. It takes a lot of training and skill. If you did well, please check how much better you did than the market before bragging. And if you still did well, make sure it’s not luck. Ask if your strategy is repeatable?  I hence recommend you stay as diversified as you can within your investment portfolio and then go get an MBA from ASB when you can. In fact, pls take my fund management course when at ASB.

  8. Could you tell us about an experience in your working career that changed your life?

    When I saw my first bonus check. I was shocked and said I am not worthy. My wife was also in the industry, and we have no children. So what we did was to give back. She and I set up a family charitable foundation in NY. It has since sent many young kids to MIT and Cornell through our scholarships. Part of the reason was my wife and I went to the top universities in America via scholarships, too.  I.e., via other people’s generosity, including Mr Robert Kuok’s Foundation here in Malaysia (me) and Mr Ray Kroc’s Foundation (my wife) in the US. So, if you are a big shot or have made so much money through the large amounts of money invested in the stock market, please remember to give back… and do no harm!

FOBISIA Squash Tournament

Epsom College Squash Team were excited to fly to Bangkok to take part in the FOBISIA Squash tournament. There were representatives from Schools in Korea, Brunei, Thailand and Malaysia and the tournament was hosted by Shrewsbury International School in Bangkok. 

As well as Squash, there were a number of workshops on topics such as how a PSA player prepares for tournaments and a number of fitness challenges. Epsom students did exceptionally well in these challenges winning a large number of them. Special mention should go to Luke, Year 10 Propert, who won all five of the challenges he entered.  

Below are Luke (center), Haneesha, Year 10 Crawfurd and Gerard, Year 10 Granville.

In the squash tournament the team did exceptionally well with Gerard coming 7th in the Under 15 Competition.

Haneesha and Luke both made it to the final of the U15 tournament. In the final Haneesha played the Malaysian number 1, Harleein Tan and narrowly lost an exceptional final, 3-1. 

Luke played another Malaysian player Wayne Quek in another hard fought match, eventually going down 3-1.

Aidan – pictured below, Year 13 Propert, reached the Under 19 final without dropping a single point and comfortably won his final, 3-0.

Congratulations go to all of the players who represented Epsom College and who were excellent role models for the other teams to emulate. 

Mrs Nick Fowler,

Housemaster, Propert House

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Friendly Match Epsom v Charterhouse:

The Boys…

On 8th of March, we were grateful to have the opportunity to host a friendly football match against KL 6th form school, Charterhouse. The game was 11 aside and it began at approximately 3.30pm. We could sense that our teammates were a tad concerned about the match to come, as the Charterhouse football team had won 14-3 in their previous fixture. We fully expected to be squaring up against a tight-knit team with a rock-solid group mentality. However, we were not intimidated and we sought to match the mentality of our opponents.

At the beginning of the game, our talented forward, Sena, threatened our opponents with 2 clean shots on target within the first 5 minutes. It seemed we were inches from taking the lead. Unfortunately, in the 10th minute, we faced a sudden and dire situation. A penalty kick was given to the opposition for a rash foul inside the box. Penalties have a high chance of being converted to a goal and we were hoping to not concede too early on in the match. However, our goalkeeper Aidan managed to deflect the penalty outwards with his legs via a dive, then scrambled out to narrowly sweep the rebound kick away. With this morale boost, our midfielders pushed hard to maintain control of the ball and the defensive half, and we managed to close out the first half with the score level at 0-0.

The second half of the game was even tougher than the first. Everyone was tired and it was hard to maintain our focus. We still tried our best to concentrate as much as we could and we valued the cheers from the crowd and drew on their support. Towards the end of the match, everyone thought the match was going to end with a draw. However, in the dying minutes of the game, a clinical through pass from the opposition winger combined with a lucky deflection right in front of our goal led to Charterhouse breaking the deadlock. The match then concluded soon after.  Even though we lost the game, we were satisfied with the result as we only allowed one goal while facing a tough squad. 

After the game, we enjoyed some reunion time with one of the Charterhouse players, Jaydn. Every one of us took our turn to say hello and reconnect with our former defender. It was a nice moment which highlighted the joy of sport. It was odd to see Jaydn as an opponent but we were all happy to reunite and play football together. We promised to see each other soon in future friendlies and competitions as we bid our new (and old) friends goodbye. 

Youngmok & Heng Chu, Year 12 Propert

The Girls…

The girls’ U19 football team have improved dramatically this year, in no small part due to their participation in the BISP tournament in Phuket. Their experience there, alongside working hard in football CCA, has developed a wonderful team spirit amongst the girls. 

The girls communicate superbly and are exceptionally supportive of one another; it is a pleasure to watch. Ms Archibald and Ms Back were particularly impressed with their passing sequences, starting with Keia playing out from goal. All girls performed brilliantly, but special mentions go to Karishaa, Yilai, Viviana, Yohanna and Darshinie who were playing in their first senior girls’ match. Darshinie managed to score a goal on her debut performance. Further shout outs to Xin Ling, who is a wall in defence; Molly, who is an engine in midfield; and to Ulala who scored a hatrick and dazzled us with her skills for the entire game! 

Epsom triumphed in a well deserved 4-1 win over Charter House.

Mr Guthrie Miller,

Director of Sport

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U18 Girls Volleyball

U18 Girls Volleyball v Charterhouse

With Volleyball becoming increasingly popular across all age groups on campus, our first match of the season was greatly anticipated by students and staff alike. We were up against an older Charterhouse team who have played several matches this year. The game began tentatively with Charterhouse taking the first set 25-17. 

However, Epsom quickly recovered to win the second set by putting together a run of points thanks to good quality serving. Set 3 was incredibly close but Epsom showed great determination to win 25-21. Stronger fitness from the home team proved to be the difference as we managed to close out the game by winning the 3rd set 25-18

Not only was this a great win for the team, but we were delighted to put in a great performance as well. Thank you to Mrs Miller for Coaching and Miss Cindy for refereeing this very enjoyable match. 

Happy Friday All!

Epsom Volleyball Team

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Boys Volleyball

Epsom Spikers Soar Again

The Epsom U16 Boys Volleyball Team travelled to Tenby School on Tuesday for a match over 5 sets.  This was a great opportunity for some of our younger players to partake and both Yoritaka, Year 8 Carr and Ryoma Year 10 got their first taste of big match action. 

The first set was a close affair but once our boys settled into their rhythm they pulled away to a 25-20 win.  The next 2 sets saw Epsom really move up the gears and some huge hits from Koutatsu Year 12 and very accurate serving from Soshi Year 12 in particular saw Epsom surge to a 25-12 win. The third set went Epsom’s way as the teamwork and set plays really shone through for a 25-13 win.

  A huge congratulations to the following: 

  • Damon Year 11 (Captain)
  • Koutatsu Year 12
  • Soshi  Year 12 Granville
  • Nabil  Year 11 Propert
  • Nik Imran Year 11 Granville
  • Totch Year 10 Granville
  • Ryoma Year 10 Granville
  • Yuritaka Year 8 Carr.

Mr Dien Wooler,

Pe Teacher.

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U16 Boys Basketball

Epsom v Matrix

This week, Epsom had the opportunity to host another basketball friendly match against Matrix International School. 

Our U16 boys put up a good fight and managed to get the win in the end by beating Matrix 41-29. 

Matrix started off strong by taking the lead in the first quarter as they had a couple of very strong players. However, Epsom boys showed their fighting spirit and managed to take the lead after the second quarter, leading 11-9. In the third quarter, the score was tight as Matrix kept their composure and scored some amazing shots and took the lead again, leading the game by 25-22. 

Both teams fought hard and gave their all but in the 4th and final quarter, Epsom managed to take back the lead and won that quarter by scoring 15 points, ending the match with a big win! 

Well done to all the boys and congratulations on the win and thank-you to Mr Fowler for refereeing! 

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Prep School Medals Galore!

KTJ was the venue for a multi-sport games Festival on 10th and 11th March.  Besides Epsom there were teams from King Henry 8th, St Christopher’s Penang, ELC and KTJ.  The Games comprised 4 sports; Athletics, Football, TBall and Swimming.

The first day of action saw our 28 athletes compete in sprints, distance, jumps and throws.  Mary Boyle Year 4 got the team off to a great start in the first event with a brave run in the 600m where she won Bronze.  This set the tone for the afternoon and some exceptional performances across all disciplines saw a return of 45 medals from the Athletics.  Leading the way was Riona Year 6 who won 5 medals and Nashton and KhaiYan, both Year 4, winning 4 medals each.

Tball:   The early start on Saturday morning did not deter our U9 boys and girls as they came together to form an unbeatable team.  They won all their matches and in the final some amazing catches from Jian Zhi Year 4 resulted in limiting King Henry to zero runs! Some strong batting from Epsom ensured the U9 team won Gold and also a handsome trophy.  Well done!  The U11 team led ably by Oscar Lord Year 6 faced stiff competition from the start and each of their 4 matches were closely contested but unfortunately all ended in defeats by a single run or 2.  The team learnt a lot and will surely grow in stature next time.

Football: U11 boys and girls began their Saturday morning with football. The boys got off to a great start by beating St Christophers in the first game convincingly 5-1 with Nobu scoring an excellent individual goal. Despite coming up against tougher opponents the team never gave up and were unlucky with some of the goals that they conceded and finished 5th in the group.  The U9 Boys proved to be a formidable force in their competition with KhaiYan scoring 12 goals. Aqeel was outstanding in goal and the team put together a strong performance to draw the last game with KTJ to finish top of the table and winners of the tournament. The two girls teams gained valuable experience in tough conditions and learnt more about working as a team. Myla scored the stand out goal for the U9’s which was their highlight of the day.

Swimming: An absolutely scorching afternoon sun shone down on the pool for a full programme of swim events for all our team.  Everyone performed strongly when it was their turn to compete and were cheered on by lots of parents, many of our team surpassed their expectations.  Yuqin Year 5 led the way in the pool winning 3 Golds and a Silver, followed by James Year 6 and Nobu Year 6 who won 3 medals. Overall the team brought home 25 medals from a high quality field and it bodes well for the future.

In summary, a fantastic 2 days of competition was had by all and the whole team performed with pride and determination.  Many thanks to our hosts KTJ who put on a great event.  Also, thanks to Mrs Lord who helped train, organize and cheer the team on for the whole 2 days.

Mr Wooler

Prep School PE Teacher

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Tennis Updates

Epsom’s Mouratoglou Tennis Complex

Many of you will know that Epsom is working in partnership with The Mouratoglou Tennis Academy in Nice and that we launched the Epsom MTP in September 2022. 

As you will see below, our site is being developed to offer superb facilities for student athletes who aspire to train to the highest level:

The structure of our Mouratoglou Tennis Complex is up, and our team could not be more excited to be playing on the indoor hard and clay courts soon! 

The new tennis complex includes ITF-compliant indoor hard and clay courts which are a rare find in the region, especially in Asia. Look out for our upcoming camps and tournaments!

Don’t forget to tag us @mouratoglou_epsom_malaysia in photos/videos if you happen to be around our tennis courts.

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Soup Kitchen CCA - Thanks!

Dear all,

Hello Everyone!! First and foremost, a huge well done to everyone who participated in House Drama; it was an absolute pleasure watching all the performances, and a congrats to Granville (hope you enjoyed your treats!). 

This is a brief message to express our appreciation for all of your support of our fundraising initiative – we are extremely grateful. This initiative and planning has been ongoing throughout the term, and we couldn’t have done it without our Soup Kitchen team, so a great thanks to them and everyone who helped along the way.

We’ll continue to work hard and push for our cause, so do keep an eye out for future events! As a sneak peek of one of our plans, a social on Wednesday the 29th of March based on the game show ‘Are You Smarter Than a 6th Grader?’ is on the books! We are also still currently accepting donations for dry food collections, so please check it out and donate, at the collection box in your respective house.

Thank you once more!

Yours Sincerely,

Xin Ling Goh and Elliot Ho

Soup Kitchen CCA Co-ordinators

International Prefects Updates

What are your popcorn preferences?

Last Wednesday, Ann Yi, Year 12 Rosebery, gave a fascinating presentation on pop music and pop culture. She was representing our Language Society and her presentation was entitled In and Out of Popcorn Machine’.

It was an awesome opportunity to delve deeper into the background and history of one of the most famous genres of music. It is not an exaggeration to say that we all listen to pop music almost every day. We discussed questions such as:

  • How has language in American pop music reflected popular culture?
  • We are what we hear – does the music we listen to represent us and the communities we identify with?
  • The thematic and conceptual evolution of lyrics in American popular music since the 1980s and, last but not least, 
  • The changing landscape of music consumption and production in relation to the evolution of market culture

Some of the distinct characteristics of the pop industry are :

  • An emphasis on craftsmanship rather than formal artistic qualities
  • Light entertainment and easy listening
  • It does not challenge its listeners socially 
  • It seeks to achieve instant empathy with cliche personalities, stereotypes, and melodrama that appeals to listeners
  • It emphasises recording, production and technology instead of live performance 
  • Pop music is made by companies to generate revenue, sometimes irrespective of artists’ creative integrity and genuinity 

What is the Machinery behind pop music?

If you listen to pop music often, you will realise that there are some distinctive features of pop music. The duration of a song is usually between 2 to 4 minutes and it has a verse-chorus structure. Limited harmonic accompaniment and a simple theme makes it easy to sing along to. Moreover, the repeating chorus with repetitive lyrics produces a catchy and addictive piece. 

Most regions and countries have their own form of pop music, sometimes with local versions of wider trends, lending them local characteristics. Some of these trends have had a significant impact on the development of the genre. 

The audience enjoyed sharing their preferences of pop music and how they feel about current pop culture and the pop industry. We hope to host you for more thought provoking sessions in the future. 

I will end with this question – What are your popcorn preferences?

Diana Lee & Ann Yi, Year 12 Rosebery

Key Stage 3 Science Fair

We, the Epsom ScienZ Society seek to share our enthusiasm for all things science via various initiatives such as presentations and experiments. One of our recent initiatives was a Science Fair for students in Years 7-8. Students had to design an experiment as part of a project that they were then required to present via a detailed poster / information board.

Over the last few weeks, the Year 7s and 8s worked hard on their projects in preparation for the Science fair. They then presented their information boards to the student body and the teachers on the 3rd of March which were then judged by our very own members of the Scienz Society!   

We were glad to see the students put in tremendous amounts of effort to conduct the experiments, as well as preparing the information boards, making sure there were detailed explanations on their experiments. The winners of the science fair are soon to be announced in the Key Stage 3 Assembly.

Happy Friday!

Ke Ee – Year 12 Crawfurd  and Darshinie – Year 12 Rosebery

Check out our informative Website made by our members!

Follow us on our Instagram too for our session summaries and further updates!

Scienz Soc Presentation

This week Everest presented on The Science Behind Coffee and Caffeine and we now understand its scientific properties as well as appreciate its flavour!

The ScienZ Society

Epsom College in Malaysia

Check out our informative Website made by our members!

Follow us on our Instagram too for our session summaries and further updates!

So… Here ends another week. Rest well and see you next week.

With best wishes from us all at Epsom 🙂

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