Understanding and Managing Mental Health

Take a peek inside what we do!

Last academic term, The Wellbeing Prefects focused on mental health and kindness with a lineup of initiatives to foster a supportive community. For Mental Health Week, we explored the importance of emotional support through successful group therapy sessions and interactive tutor time discussions where students could discuss important topics such as stress and anxiety, coping strategies, academic pressure, etc… In Kindness Week, we started the day bright with heartfelt messages and had a ‘Kindness Box’ where students could share something nice that someone else had done for them.


Colour Run: The Colour Run was a fun event organised by Mrs. Garnett and the Well-being prefects in October 2024. This project aimed to encourage positive mental health with a hint of Deepavali fun as students and teachers threw colour powder at each other on the Pavilion. This created many fun T-shirt designs which many students loved. Together, we raised funds that were donated to children in need.

Kindness Door Decorations and Daily Kindness Quotes: Each tutor group was assigned to decorate their tutor room doors based on their own interpretation of kindness. On the doors, we could observe many post-its written and placed in a bucket where students could pull out a piece and read something lovely written inside. During Kindness Week, the Well-Being team also sent out daily kindness quotes to the entire school, which was an awesome kickstart to the day.


Tutor time discussions and house TED TALK: Throughout the week, tutor time was dedicated to discussing important topics that focused on improving the student’s emotional, physical, and mental well-being, especially in times of academic stress. For younger students, they benefited by being more well-informed about a range of important mental health topics. Last but not least, on Friday we invited special guest speakers to each house where they shared their challenges and how they overcame them. Granville had Mr Brown talk about the importance of ‘thugging it out’ where he delivered an inspirational story encouraging students to remain mentally strong in times of adversity and to take failures as a path to success.

Group Therapy Sessions: As part of CCA’s each day, students were provided with the opportunity to learn about the importance of communicating their problems to mental health professionals. Each session focused on different topics: Stress & Anxiety, Substance Addiction, and Self-Esteem & Body Image. Led by Ms Pajan, the school counselor, this project informed students on how to cope or seek aid, providing a comfortable space where students could openly express their struggles. Due to the success and benefits of this activity, we have decided to continue this as a monthly activity.

With the growth of the student council, we aim to tackle a series of school issues which will be categorised and solved according to importance. Overall, this year, we aim to create an even happier, healthier school environment.

Contact us at Wellbeing Prefects for any inquiries.

‘The best things in life are not things but people’

Signing off,

The Wellbeing Prefects
Kaith, Eugene and Ethan

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