School News

Project-Based Learning In ECiM’s Prep School

By Stephen McElhinney, Head of Prep School  At the Prep School in Epsom College, our vision is firmly founded upon catering to...
School News

To sleep, Or Not To Sleep? That Is The Question.

By Ian Squires, Housemaster (Propert House) A great boarding school life should be busy. A range of experiences and full involvement are...
School News

The Significance Of Mandarin As The Next Global Language?

By Kate Carden-Brown (Head of Higher Education and Careers) Although English has traditionally been seen as the global language, ever increasing numbers...
School News

Why Is Key Stage 4 The Most Critical Stage Of Secondary Education?

By Kate Carden-Brown (Head of Higher Education and Careers) At Key Stage 4, things start to really matter. At the end of...
School News

The Bond Between Epsom College (Malaysia) and Epsom College (UK)

By Dr Murray Tod, Incoming Headmaster Epsom College in Malaysia (ECiM) opened in September 2014 and is a fully-fledged sister school to...