Update on University Applications

Our Year 13 students continue to achieve remarkable university offers, reflecting their dedication and our strong support system. As we enhance our provision for future applicants, we encourage Year 12 students to engage early in the process. Together, we look forward to celebrating more successes in the months ahead.
Year 13 offers
We are delighted to report that our Year 13 students are receiving a steady stream of offers from universities around the world, including Edinburgh, Southampton, Reading, University College London, Imperial, Loughborough, Bath,
Warwick, Cambridge, Brown, Purdue and Hong Kong (HKU). Over the coming months, we will continue to celebrate the successes of our final-year students and share in the excitement of seeing promising future pathways open up.
Student feedback on university support
This year and last, we conducted a student voice survey with Year 13 students on the support provided for university applications. We are happy to highlight the following strengths and improvements in our provision over the past two years:
- 90% of students report that it is easy to arrange one-to-one meetings with members of the guidance team
- Over 90% of students consider the guidance we provide to be useful and personal. In other words, it helps them move forward in their application process while considering their individual needs and preferences.
We have identified mock interview support and preparation for admissions tests as areas to develop further in our provision. We would welcome contributions from the wider Epsom community in this regard: if you or your associates would be willing to work with us next academic year by interviewing applicants aspiring to specific professions or extremely academic courses, please let us know.
Year 12’s university application process
The time has come for Year 12 students to begin researching and planning their university applications in earnest. Students should already be actively engaging in wider reading and super-curricular activities. There is a wealth of information available on both the Unifrog platform and the ECiM University Advising & Opportunities Google Classroom. Our doors are always open to students. Please encourage your child/children to meet with us before the end of Term 2 – the earlier we begin, the more support we can provide.
During the week of 10 February, we hosted a webinar for parents/guardians to provide further information about the university application process and how we support students. Slides and recordings will have been shared with you by email; please get in touch if you would like us to re-send them. Parents and guardians are also welcome to join Unifrog and the Google Classroom using the links and codes below:
Unifrog (register as a student) using the code Epsoparent
Google Classroom using the code 5hpljuu
Mrs Catherine Carden-Brown & Ms Anna Christine Macleod
Director of Higher Education & Head of MFL, University Counselor