Welcome Back to Term 2

It was with great pleasure that we welcomed our students back at the start of Term 2. We were also delighted to welcome over 40 new students into our Epsom family and hope they will be very happy here with us. This term promises to be both busy and exciting, with plenty of opportunities for academic achievement, personal growth, and new experiences.

As Term 2 unfolds, many students are focused on preparing for their upcoming IGCSE and A-level examinations. Our Year 13 students have made remarkable progress, with many holding offers from prestigious universities worldwide, including in the UK, USA, and the Netherlands – a destination growing in popularity among Epsomians. These offers serve as powerful motivators, inspiring both the offer-holders to strive for excellence and their juniors to emulate their success.

Beyond academics, Term 2 offers a wealth of opportunities for students to develop skills and attributes essential for future success. Our vibrant Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) programme includes options such as Debate, Advanced Stock Market, Spanish, Table Tennis, International Award, Golf, Running, and World Scholar’s Cup, among others. This term, we are particularly thrilled to host the FOBISIA AI Conference in April, where students will collaborate with peers from across Asia to explore the benefits and challenges of artificial intelligence.

At Epsom, we believe in fostering a rich learning environment where students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones, embrace challenges, and view mistakes as opportunities for growth. By doing so, they build resilience and a lifelong love of learning.

Welcome (back) to school! We wish all our students (both new and returning) and staff a joyful, inspiring, and successful Term 2.

Mr Matthew Brown

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