Welcome to this final issue of our Epsom Friday Flyer for the Academic Year 2023/24, Dear Reader!

We hope that you have enjoyed a productive week and that you are looking forward to some precious family time over the term break.

As you will see from all the wonderful pictures in this flyer, this final week at Epsom has been packed full of activities and events. We have celebrated student successes, and we have had fun taking part in student-conceived and student-led activities that have required students to collaborate, engage with wider learning, and celebrate their achievements.

I hope the pictures give you a flavour of what a special place Epsom is – it is indeed my great privilege to be its Headmaster. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff for their hard work, commitment, and care for our students throughout the year.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our parents – especially the Friends of Epsom – for the time and effort they dedicate to our school. Whether decorating the Pavilion for the Year 6 Moving Up Day or organising our annual Epsom Ball, their contributions have been invaluable.

Finally, thank you to our students for their energy, enthusiasm, determination, and drive. We are immensely proud of all they have achieved this year.

We wish our Year 13 students all the very best as they leave us to start the next leg of their educational journey at university. For Year 11 and Year 13 students, we know how hard they have worked for their examinations and look forward to results day!

Thank you all for being part of the Epsom community and for making this year truly memorable. We look forward to another exciting year ahead!

Happy Reading and Happy Friday - see you in the new academic year!

Mr Matthew Brown, Headmaster

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Art Department Updates

Textiles CCA: Exploring Batik

Within one of our Art CCA’s this term has looked at Textiles and the exploration of Batik. Batik is a traditional Indonesian technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to cloth. It involves applying wax to fabric, which is then dyed. The waxed areas resist the dye and remain the original color, creating intricate patterns. It's known for its vibrant colors and unique designs, often reflecting cultural motifs and local traditions. The process requires patience as you build up the patterns of colour and detail. Here Year 10 pupils have created their own floral designs using this technique.

Bird Art Project: Fine Art and Sculpture

This final term for Year 8 focused on a bird project where pupils explored both Fine Art and Sculpture as part of their project. Exploring birds as a theme for artwork offers a rich source of inspiration. Students delved into various aspects such as the diversity of bird species, their habitats and behaviours. It's a great way for them to not only develop their artistic skills but also learn more about nature and the environment.

Using foil and masking tape pupils created bird sculptures which provided a versatile medium for shaping and detailing.

Pupils completed the project by adding a map of a city important to them which added a personal touch, allowing them to express connections between their identity, and their environment. It was a fantastic way for students to explore both artistic and personal narratives through their artwork. Look closely and you will see which maps the students chose….If you were to make a bird with a map..what map would you choose?

Epsom Butterfly Art project EYFS to Key Stage 3

Fluttering Wings: A Whole School Butterfly Installation

In celebration of the Epsom Arts Festival, the objective of this project was to create a vibrant and visually striking butterfly installation that engaged students across all year groups. Students from EYFS all the way through to Key Stage 3 explored the beauty of butterflies through art, paying close attention to colour theory, symmetry, form, and the natural characteristics of butterflies. Each class focused on a hue from the colourwheel making this a truly collaborative project!

Celebrating our Artists across the school in our end of Year Art Exhibition

As the school year draws to a close, we are excited to create our final art exhibition. Curating an exhibition is no small feat—it is a project within itself, requiring meticulous planning and dedication from start to finish. A big thank you to Mr Helmi and Mr Yau for all their hard work throughout the year, especially in these final weeks to help put the exhibition together.

From preparing display boards and lighting to carefully mounting each artwork and crafting the perfect layout, every detail has been thoughtfully considered. The goal? To create an immersive experience that not only showcases the talents of our students but also celebrates their artistic journey throughout the year. We hope you enjoy!

Ms Gemma Marsden, Head of Epsom Art and Design

Epsom English Department News

End of Year Projects

It has been a fantastic end to the year in the English department for the year groups who have not taken external exams.

Year 9 have had a soft introduction to the iGCSE courses, through the haunting tale of Arthur Phipps in ‘The Woman in Black’, the remarkable account of the adventurer Aron Ralston who defied all odds to escape a near fatal situation and the first meeting of set text protagonists.

Meanwhile, Years 7, 8 and 10 have been working on end of year creative projects, producing impressive extended pieces of work, demonstrating their writing skill.

Following a study of autobiography and travel writing, Year 7 took us to a beloved or desired holiday destination. They produced diary entries, letters and more to create an authentic set of travel writing.

Year 8 have also studied non-fiction writing, focusing on journalism and rhetoric. They were tasked with producing either an article or a speech related to the topics we have discussed, such as sportsmanship, protecting the environment and taking a ‘digital detox’.

Paving the way for Imaginative Writing coursework at the beginning of Year 11, Year 10 took inspiration from one of three different workshops - on writing from multiple perspectives, on the Gothic, on nature writing - and wrote their own extended imaginative pieces.

We have included some of the students' excellent work for you to enjoy. Please do take a look to see the talented writers we have in our midst. We look forward to developing this skill in our students even more next academic year.

Mrs Georgie Prestidge, Head of English

English imaginative writing

March 11, 2011. The ground trembled violently; within moments, everything around me began to shake and shudder. In a heartbeat, everything broke down. The dishes all crashed, the windows broke, and all the furniture crashed to the ground. I crouched down under the table, praying for the trembling to stop. It seemed like it would last forever. Looking outside from the window that I opened every morning, knowing it would never be the same again, I heard screams and crying. Panic squeezed my breath from me. The only thing I could think of was to get out of this house. I stood up, trying to balance myself after the aftershock. The air was filled with the building's inhuman noises: rumbles and groans, increasing my heart rate.

"Just get out!!"

Something heavy struck my body. I saw the shelf and wall falling on top of me, leaving me buried. Anxiety surged as I realised the gravity of this situation. I got trapped under what used to be where my happiness was. Now, it's a prison, forcing me into darkness. I can't consciously think. Images of my family flashed through my mind: my mother's comforting cuddle, my father's reassuring smile, and the warmth of home-cooked meals together. My eyes filled with tears as I yearned to experience those simple joys for the last time before it was all over.

Every breath was tough.

The weight of the rubble increased every second, pushing me




The air became thicker with the dust around me. The sounds of my neighbours screaming for help remind me once again that everyone is hurt. But even in the depths of my hopelessness, I could not give up like this.

Not now.

Not yet.

Not ever.

 I started to scrape and push at the debris, struggling against the weight that felt like it would crush me. My hands were shaking and my limbs were hurting. I tried everything in my power to escape this house. Minutes turned to hours, and I lost hope trying to run away from this situation. All I could do was wait for the rescue. I strained to hear if there was any hope. Every time someone cried out for help, there was no response, but I didn't give up. Instead, my thoughts turned to the rescue teams searching for survivors like me. Finally, just as my hope was about to die and my strength was almost gone, I heard it: a distant voice calling my name. I cried with relief as I yelled back, my voice strained and raspy. A little while later, strong hands reached through the broken pieces of the house, pulling me from the darkness into the daylight. I emerged, injured and bruised, into the arms of the rescuers, who looked like an angel to me. Their smiles were warm and comforting, despite the perseverance and weariness that they carried. Surrounded by the wreckage of what broke me, I felt only gratitude.

I recovered in a crowded safe shelter, reflecting on the things that had happened. Looking around gave me a sharp reminder of how unpredictable nature can be. However, even in the middle of the night, our community did not give up. Volunteers poured in - from Yamagata, Fukushima, and Iwaki - offering aid and support to those who had lost everything.

As time passed, the city began to rebuild—not just its physical infrastructure but also its spirit and sense of unity. We grieved together for the lives lost and carried on in their memory by developing resilience and determination. The wounds from that terrible day will always be a part of our collective memory, but they also came to represent our shared strength.

Years have passed since the Great East Japan earthquake, yet I still think about it every single day. Being in the dark left me blank, a cipher with thoughts only of giving up, but the human spirit prevails in the face of adversity. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.

Time for a Digital Detox?

How much time do you spend on a screen per day? Large numbers of people spend a large amount of time on screens. The average screen time for adults is 6 hours 10 minutes per day, and as for teenagers, they use more time than the adults, with a total of 7 hours 3 minutes. To what purpose? Why do we spend such a long time on devices? Many teens would say they are studying, but to be honest I spend most of my time watching videos, playing games, and sending messages to friends. It will be the same for most teenagers. So, we can realize we spend far too much time on devices, but why can’t we stop when we know it is bad for us? If we are studying, enjoying ourselves and connecting with people, how bad can it be? Here are the three main reasons it might cause problems for us.

Firstly, in the modern day lots of people have headaches, fatigue, physical weakness and sleep disturbances, and it has become quite normal so we don’t think these problems are big things. But can you believe they might be gone with some simple adjustments? From a recent study, 75% of people who are 21 years old use devices in the bed and 53% of them have poor sleep. And 32% of people are addicted the device. Then you will ask “how about the other things?” This can be answered simply: if you sleep well problem of fatigue and physical weakness can be solved. But also I can say if you have electromagnetic hypersensitivity then you can get a headache from the small amount of electromagnetic radiation. This is strongly effective on young children.

Secondly, there are lots of mental problems. I think some people get those things because of other reasons, rather than the use of the devices, but still, there is a negative effect. The research team explained that communication through smartphones increases loneliness and depression because it is one-sided and straightforward compared to direct communication between people. Also, some apps increase loneliness - such as Instagram. Instagram is a type of social media which shows different posts by different people all around the world. If you go into Instagram you can see people who are always happy, always beautiful, and some of them are very wealthy. This causes the people who are using it to compare themselves and the other people. This continues and it causes loneliness. It is easy to forget that the person’s Instagram profile doesn’t show their real life, with its messy troubles and boring bits. It’s easy to think that we’re missing out or we’ve somehow got it all wrong.

Lastly, we lose the skills which were used before the devices came out. Humans made a great civilization which developed over at least the last 6000 years. It is important to keep the skills that can be used without the devices. For example, maps: modern day people use Google Maps to find something. It is very useful, but it wouldn't work if there was no internet and data. This can tell us that Google Maps or the others have a limit so we need to learn how to do it offline.

In conclusion, we can see that screen time can cause a negative effect on the health of the body and the mind. We can lose the very skills that make us human. Sure, devices can be very useful in daily life. But we have to look at the time spent on screens and wonder: is it time for a digital detox?

By Chanwon Jung, Year 8

I do not believe in ghosts, Or rather, until this day, I had not done so.

The manor’s silhouette beckoned me further up the overgrown bridge, reclaimed by nature centuries ago. I could swear I heard it calling my name…Despite the chills that crept down my spine, I ventured onward, irresistibly drawn towards the looming manor.

As I stepped foot onto the pavement, the air seemed to thicken around me. The manor, its windows dark and foreclosed, seemed to watch me with a silent, haunting gaze. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. The door shut behind me and the lock rusted shut. I paused, unsure whether to retreat or confront the mysteries that awaited within.

With each step, the sensation of being watched intensified, as if unseen eyes followed my every move. I found myself drawn to a staircase spiraling upwards. I could hear the swaying of the evening breeze, that lined with ancient oak trees, branches whispering secrets I strained to understand.

The staircase creaked underfoot as I ascended, each step echoing through the walls. Dust motes danced in the dim light filtering through clouded windows, casting eerie shadows that seemed to swish and swirl as if it had a life of its own. The air was heavy with a scent of decay and age, inferring the atmosphere with a sense of antiquity and abandonment.

As I reached the top of the staircase, the air grew colder, almost freezing. I rustled my way through the cobwebs, and I found myself face to face with a stubborn, tattered door. I can feel chills in the air. I reassured myself that it’s not a sign of what lurks behind me in the shadows, yet I feel my composure slipping, bit by bit. Desperately, I shouldered the door open with every fiber of my being. The thump of my body weight fills the hall, and it fills me with an even greater unbridled fear. A faint glimmer caught my eye. I froze, as I witnessed a translucent figure at the corner of the room shimmering faintly in the dim light filtering through dusty windows.

The urge to break away from its cold gaze overrode my senses, and primal fear came knocking. In my sheer desperation, I fought desperately with the door until it gave way. In a panic, I searched for a way out, finding only darkness and eerie whispers. A blue light through a glass door offered a glimpse of escape. Scavenging the floor, I found a tool to break onto the balcony. With a crash, I felt the relief of the night breeze. I sprinted to the balcony’s edge, realizing the perilous drop below -- leap into the unknown or face the specter head-on—I opted to leap... Live, or die.

By Sharvanii, Year 10

Round Square Australia (Rockhampton) Adventure and Culture Trip - Year 10

Our Round Square team representatives left for Australia to participate in a conference centered around environmentalism:

Crawfurd House Updates

The final trip of the year was just 15 minutes from school in the beautiful Sepang Valley.

Crawfurd visited the famous dragon fruit farm which has been growing fruits since the 1880’s. It is famous because it has the Guiness World Record for the largest Dragon fruit in the world.

We enjoyed learning about the different types of dragon fruits and we picked our own to enjoy back at school. It was lovely to spend time together with some of the Year 13 students before they leave for pastures new.

Crawfurd students then visited the Mitsui outlet mall for some food and shopping to celebrate the end of the school year.

A huge thank you to Ms Suhada, Ms Liz and Ms Anisha for their support during the trip.

Mrs Helen Miller, Housemistress Crawfurd House

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Granville House Updates

And so, this year comes to an end, and we have much to celebrate. Firstly, I would like to wish our Year 13s all the best as they embark on new adventures and chapters in life, heading to prestigious universities such as the University of Cambridge, the University of Tokyo, Stanford University, UCL, and LSE, among others.

For now, hold on to some fond memories, whether it's Mercato trips, snooker games, table tennis, or simply enjoying coffee and cup noodles with your housemates. Scroll through your image gallery, and I'm sure you'll smile and giggle at the many videos and photos you’ve shared, not just with Granvillians, but with so many friends you've made during your time here at Epsom. Treasure these memories and good times.

Here is a lovely video compiled by Young, capturing many of the memories we have made together.

Granville video

Moreover, last week we had our celebration assembly, and we need to recognise Charles, who walked away with numerous Epsom Learning Characteristics certificates, such as Thinking, Collaboration, and Attention. Charles also received a certificate for being a top merit scorer for the term. We are so proud of you, Charles!

It wouldn’t be a celebration without our twins showing off their amazing dance moves. Below is a picture of Tsukasa and Akira flaunting their dance skills at the celebration assembly.

Furthermore, we are proud of Minato in Year 10 for attending the Round Square Adventure Conference in Rockhampton, Australia. This enrichment opportunity will allow Minato to collaborate and engage in enjoyable educational activities, contributing to his growth and development. Well done, Minato, for participating! Here are some pictures below.

Last week, our students had a fantastic time participating in the various activities of Spirit Week. It was wonderful seeing our boys enjoy the water activities, Jersey Day, and the Y2K disco. I am sure they have had plenty of fun throughout Festival Week as well.

Thank you to all Granvillians for this academic year. More importantly, thank you to our pastoral care team—Ms. Linda, Mr. Rabi, our tutors, and Mr. Jones. It has been gratifying to witness the growth and development in all our boys. Now it's time to rest and have a fun-filled summer break with family and friends. Come back recharged with new goals!

Ms Perrang, Assistant Housemistress Granville House

Epsom Celebrates Spirit Week

Hey everyone!

Hope you're doing well! We wrapped up the year with an epic Spirit Week that was an absolute blast.

We kicked things off with Pyjama Day, then rocked our favourite team gear on Jersey Day, got nostalgic on Y2K Day, and capped it off with Film Friday. But it wasn't just about the themed outfits – we had some seriously fun activities too! The water games and obstacle races were a hit, with everyone splashing water, throwing balloons, and just enjoying some much-needed bonding time after exams. And let's not forget the amazing Y2K disco night on Thursday – the Grayling Center turned into a super fun disco pool, complete with refreshments sold by the social prefects. It was a night filled with laughter, sweat, and so much fun. Even though the four days flew by, they were packed with memorable moments. I hope you all had as much fun as I did. Thanks for making it such a fantastic, memorable Spirit Week. Stay tuned for my next project!

Shannie - your Admission Prefect 24/25

Senior School Celebration Assembly

This week we celebrated student success in the Senior School and awarded those who  have consistently demonstrated our Epsom Learning Characteristics:


To wonder, question, explore, experiment.  For example asking questions, completing independent research or trying new methods or techniques.


To be determined, persevering, to be able to recover, to be willing to practise.  For example, trying again when you fail or practising to improve.


To be able to connect and visualise.  For example,  showing the ability to transfer skills between topics,  thinking of different ways to solve problems or to consider different approaches to studying or working.


To be able to evaluate a situation and self-evaluate.  For example, showing improvement based on feedback that has been given by a teacher or peer or understanding why something has not worked or how it might be done differently next time.


To be able to notice, concentrate, contemplate, immerse.  For example, showing listening skills, staying on task in class or getting involved in discussions.


To be social, accepting, to be able to imitate, empathise and lead.  For example, being able to be a team player, being helpful to others, leading group work.


To be able to plan and be resourceful.  For example, completing tasks, including homework, on time, finding information independently, finding solutions.


To be able to deduce, analyse, critique, intuit. For example, understanding reasons, significance and importance or understanding the deeper meaning behind a text or event

Year 6 Graduation to Senior School Party and Fun Afternoon

On the evening of the Move Up ceremony, the Year 6 children were treated to a special party organised by our wonderful Year 6 parents and the generous Friends of Epsom. The Pavilion was beautifully decorated with banners and balloons by the parents, who even went the extra mile to provide tasty snacks for the children.

Year 6 Party

Lots of songs, speeches, games, and laughter filled the Pavilion, and the end came far too quickly. A great time was had by all! Some of the Year 6 pupils had this to say:

“We had a great time at the Year 6 party, which was paid for by the parents. This shows the time and effort parents put in to make sure we have the best time at Epsom. Our parents have shown great love and support in tutoring us at home and making sure we are happy. Thank you to our parents.” Zoe 6JW

“We had a fantastic time at our Year 6 party. We enjoyed limbo and some very delicious food. The theme of the party was space and reaching for the stars, so I ate a galaxy cupcake and doughnut! I received a moonlight gift. I really enjoyed this night. Thank you, parents and teachers.” Yui 6JW

“I loved the Year 6 party, especially when my friends gave great speeches about their memories from the year. The space theme was amazing, and I loved the galaxy lemonade! I must admit that I did great in the limbo competition, as I got to the second-to-last round!” Aiden  6JW

EYFS Production - Lost in the Toy Museum

Our Early Years Foundation Stage students performed their production of Lost in the Toy Museum at the end of term:

Prep School Celebration Assembly

Celebrating Success and Student Achievement in the Prep School:

Prep School Music Concert

This term, our music curriculum immersed students in the works of great composers from around the globe, such as Mozart, Bach, Shostakovich, Richard Wagner, and many more. The culmination of these studies was showcased in our Term 3 Music Recital, a delightful event that highlighted the dedication and talent of our young musicians.

The recital opened with a captivating performance by the CCA Orchestra, playing "My Favourite Things." This enchanting rendition set a joyous and inviting tone for the evening. Following this, our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) students graced the stage with a charming dance performance, twirling gracefully with chiffon scarves, which added a visual delight to their rhythmic movements.

Year 1 and Year 2 students brought a lively energy to the recital with their percussion ensemble. They skillfully played a variety of instruments, including xylophones, hand drums, and handbells, performing "Waltz No. 1" with precision and enthusiasm. Their performance was followed by an energetic dance to the infectious rhythm of "Conga," demonstrating their ability to respond to and interpret music through movement.

The combined talents of Year 3 and Year 4 students were showcased through a series of solo performances. These included Beethoven's powerful “Symphony No. 5” on the flute, Edward Elgar's elegant “Andante, Op. 22, No. 1” on the violin, Johann Strauss's lively “The Blue Danube” on the saxophone, and Edvard Grieg's dramatic “In the Hall of the Mountain King” on the cello. Each performance highlighted the students' technical skills and deep understanding of the music.

Adding a vocal element to the evening, the choir comprising Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 students sang "Make A Little Music" by Andy Beck. Their harmonious voices blended beautifully, creating a heartwarming and uplifting atmosphere. Year 5 students continued the evening with an impressive ensemble performance. They played Johann Sebastian Bach's “Minuet in G” on the flute, Antonio Vivaldi's “‘Largo’ from Winter” on the violin, Johannes Brahms's soothing “The Little Sandman” on the saxophone, and Gioachino Rossini's dynamic “Overture to William Tell” on the cello. Each piece was executed with remarkable skill and expressiveness.

The spotlight then turned to Year 6, whose students delivered a series of stunning performances. They played Tchaikovsky's majestic “Swan Lake Finale” on the cello, Shostakovich's elegant “Waltz No. 2” on the flute, DvoÅ™ák's evocative “New World Symphony” on the violin, and MacDowell's delicate “To a Wild Rose” on the saxophone. These performances demonstrated the students' level of musical proficiency and their ability to convey deep emotions through their instruments.

The choir from Year 4, Year 5, and Year 6 then took to the stage with a spirited performance of "Can-Can (à la Solfège)" arranged by Sally K. Albrecht. Their energetic and precise rendition added a lively and entertaining element to the recital.

For the grand finale, the entire prep choir, encompassing students from Year 1 to Year 6, united to sing “Together We Are Better” and “(When We Sing)” by Greg Gilpin. This final performance highlighted the power of collaboration and community, as the voices of all the students blended harmoniously, bringing the evening to a memorable and heartwarming close.

The Term 3 Music Recital was an evening filled with beautiful music and heartfelt performances, celebrating our students' hard work, dedication, and passion for music. Each note played and every song sung reflected their journey of learning and growth. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended and supported our young musicians, contributing to the event's resounding success. Special thanks go to the Prep School staff, the VMTS, and all those involved in making this recital possible.

Mr Azmi, Head of Prep School Music

Prep School Sports Festival

Despite the rain and the lightning alarm, the Prep School completed a full day of sport on Friday 21st June.  The eventual victors were the blue Hornbills, Burung Enggang, but all the students put in an enormous effort and tried their best.  Thanks to the Prep Teachers and PE team for putting on such a wonderful day.  The day was topped off as ever by our wonderful parents who bought everyone an ice cream at the end of the day!

Year 6 Moving Up Ceremony

On Wednesday 19th June, the Prep School gathered for a formal occasion to say farewell to the Year 6 children. The ceremony was held in the theatre and featured speeches, musical performances and even some videos from old teachers saying well done to the children.

Mr Michael Stearman, the Head of Key Stage 3 was present to receive the students into the Senior School and to hand out their certificates of completion.

A big thank you to the parents who sponsored flowers and gifts for the students.

Here are some words from the Year 6 student about the ceremony:

“We had an amazing time at the Move Up Ceremony. We got to shake hands with different teachers and got presents from our friends and parents. It was a great time because we got an opportunity to meet the head of KS3 and make Year 6 even more memorable. The Year 6 Move Up Ceremony was one of my highlights of Year 6.” Jason Zheng 6JW

“Some stuff I enjoyed at the Move Up Ceremony was when I shook hands with Mr Stearman and got a certificate. I also enjoyed getting a picture and getting my gifts, which I really loved. We had speeches from our teachers, Mr Brown, Mrs Rouson and Mr Eyton-Jones. At the end we took photos with classmates, teachers and friends of Epsom. Overall it was amazing!” Sasi 6JW

Zoom! Prep School Musical

After months of preparation—line learning, singing practices, and dance rehearsals—Years 4, 5, and 6 from the Prep School performed the eagerly anticipated musical production, Zoom!

This hilarious retelling of Aesop's fable, The Tortoise and the Hare, was a hit. Here are some thoughts and comments from the Year 6 performers:

“It was fantastic to perform in the Zoom production with Years 4, 5, and 6. I was very happy to be involved in this show. My favourite parts were the race scene, Hare and Co. scene, and the last scene with slow motion—it was very funny! My favourite song was 'Daddy Tortoise'; the lyrics were so good, especially 'That's what daddy tortoise taught us!' I also really liked 'Hare and Co.' even though it was hard to memorise the lyrics of a six-minute song!” Chanje 6JW

“It took us a long time to create the wonderful stage performance of Zoom! It required constant practice and memorization of lines; that’s a lot of work! Behind all this was everyone’s effort. There were also teachers who were constantly guiding us behind the scenes.” Abby 6JW

“We had a fantastic time performing in the production, Zoom! I liked everything in the show: Harvey Hare, The Race, and Holly Hedgehog (that was me!). It showed that when you put time and effort into something, you can create something spectacular! Thank you to those who contributed to our production!” Becky 6JW

“We had a lovely time performing the Zoom production. It was so fun and a little tiring, but it was all worth it in the end. I really liked the songs and the dances. I enjoyed saying my line before the race, 'On your marks, get set, wait for it, and go'—that was my favourite line.” Kartiga 6JW

“Our Zoom concert was a fantastic performance; it was funny, creative, and very entertaining. I loved it so much, and I loved the moral of the story. The moral was about how no matter if you are slower than someone, just don’t give up.” Shadrach 6JW.

End of Term Fun - Staff v Students Netball Match

At the end of term we enjoyed some healthy competition between staff and senior students:

Epsom 6's Soft Cricket

Epsom Soft Cricket Match in Pictures:

On 20th June, ECiM were due to host a large 6 a side cricket tournament against BISKL, Asia Pacific and SMK Klang. Sadly due to extreme weather, the tournament had to be cancelled. However, SMK Klang chose to come slightly later in the day and we were able to play a friendly girls and boys soft cricket fixture on the ECiM Cricket ground.

SMK Klang are the boys national champions and had some outstanding players. Three players from their girls team play hardball cricket for Malaysia. This was the first formal cricket experience for almost all of our students and it was an absolute pleasure to see everyone knuckle down and focus on how best to approach the challenge.

In the boys game, SMK Klang came away as easy winners, despite some excellent performances from Caleb, Josh and Adlan. Hal took a great wicket in the last over or innings. With more experience, our bowling will be formidable in the future. Zannis and Adriana took wickets for the girls in a game that had lots of high spirits and enjoyment. More batting practice will be needed by both home teams.

SMK Klang do not have their own school field and were a pleasure to have at our ground as well as being humble and friendly opponents. We hope to have closer links with them for the future.

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Great Golf - Epsom v BSKL

Victory Alert: ECM Golf Academy Wins Friendly Match!

On June 21, 2024, ECM Golf Academy (ECMGA) won a friendly golf match against The British International School of Kuala Lumpur (BSKL) with a score of 7-5 at Kota seriemas Golf & Country Club. The event featured 15 ECMGA players and 18 BSKL players in a Ryder Cup-style competition.

The day was filled with fun and great sportsmanship. After the match, the BSKL team visited our ECMGA facilities, and everyone enjoyed having a hit together.

We hope to have more friendly matches with BSKL and other schools soon. Congratulations to our ECMGA team and thanks to BSKL for a fantastic day!

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U15 Boys Football - Epsom V Tenby Eco Hill

Epsom U15 Boys played their first 11-a-side fixture of the year against the visiting Tenby Ecohill on Wednesday 19th June. This was their first chance to play a competitive match versus another school and the players rose to the challenge. Epsom had the lion's share of possession and managed to keep the ball and pressure their opponents.

Alex and Shinsai scored the vital goals for ECiM as they came away with a 2-0 victory.

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U15 Girls Hockey - Epsom v R2S

U15 Girls Hockey v R2S

We were delighted to host R2S Hockey club for a friendly girls fixture on Wednesday 19th June. The students have been patiently waiting for more fixtures and were able to play against a team of experienced and talented players from the local area. R2S played with a lot more pace and accuracy than the home team had experienced before and the Epsom girls were challenged in all sections of the field.

Our guests were able to score 2 well taken goals by the end of the first period. Epsom picked up their spirits in the second half with Sofia nearly making the breakthrough. Rachle ran tirelessly in midfield and Adriana made solid tackles throughout. Despite our uptick in effort, R2S came away as 4-0 winners.

It was a wonderful experience and we hope to have more games with R2S next year.

R2S run community sessions at the Epsom hockey pitch every Saturday and Sunday morning for boys and girls aged 11 to 18. They have a strong collection of experienced coaches and play regular fixtures and tournaments across the region. From September, Epsom students are welcome to join these sessions to learn more hockey and make friends with players from the local area. If you are interested in taking part, then please contact Mr Miller for more information.

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Friends of Epsom - Coffee and Chat

Our Friends of Epsom came to visit us recently - we thank them as always for their support:

Our Class of 2024 - Be the Change You Want To See and Stay in Touch!

So, Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading our Epsom Friday Flyer and we wish you all the very best for a restful weekend.

Happy Friday from us all at Epsom. See you again in the new academic year!


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